“You’ll be lining up to buy another ticket” – Here’s what the critics are saying about Avengers: Infinity War

Do you hear that? That’s the sound of the Avengers: Infinity War (opens in new tab) embargo being lifted. As reviewers around the world hash out their thoughts on the latest MCU blockbuster – including our own spoiler-free Infinity War review (which you can find in the link above) which calls the flick “bold, ballsy, satisfying, and dramatic” – there’s bound to be millions of fans around the world holding their breath hoping for good news. Well, which is it: good or bad? Read on to find out and, don’t worry, there are no spoilers on this page, but be warned for spoilers in the reviews themselves if you choose to read them in full. Those with more spoilers are clearly marked, if you want to go in fresh.

How Avengers: Infinity War packs in all of the superheroes to great effect – The Guardian (opens in new tab) (4/5) (MILD SPOILERS)

“In theory, all these superheroes crammed into one movie should trigger the law of diminishing returns and the Traveling Wilbury effect. And yet somehow in its pure uproariousness, it works. It’s just a supremely watchable film, utterly confident in its self-created malleable mythology. And confident also in the note of apocalyptic darkness.”

Does Thanos work in Avengers: Infinity War? – The Telegraph (opens in new tab) (3/5) (SPOILERS WITHIN REVIEW)

“Given the vast scale the Russos are working on, resorting to your typical collect-the-gems plot game seems disappointingly basic, but there’s a thornier problem with Thanos in general: he’s a huge hulk of a being, twice human size, but the effects job on Brolin thwarts his usual authority as an actor.”

The surprisingly dark tone of Avengers: Infinity War – Nerdist (opens in new tab) 

“First and foremost, this is the Empire Strikes Back of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If you treat everything they’ve made so far as one giant franchise, then this is the chapter where everything lands on our heroes with both feet. Everything has built to this, and they somehow make it still feel like a story, not a whole bunch of fan service thrown in front of a camera.”

Avengers: Infinity War and its beautiful locations – Den of Geek (opens in new tab) (4/5)

“This is a knockout sci-fi movie that travels around the universe and back, and not only does it capture the vastness of that but it’s also perhaps the most beautiful, colorful film Marvel has released to date. Some of the action is still a bit hard to follow at times, but the brothers prove that they can shoot a spectacular interstellar adventure with the best of them.”

Is Avengers: Infinity War too long? – Slate (opens in new tab)

“But as Infinity War flits from one group of heroes to the next, ping-ponging around the galaxy in a strained quest to give its more than three-dozen regulars something of import to do, you may start to wonder if the movie’s mauve madman has a point about overpopulation. Sitting through its 2 hours and 30 minutes is like gorging on tapas: You wind up both overstuffed and unsatisfied.”

On whether the payoff of Avengers: Infinity War lives up to the hype – Toronto Sun (opens in new tab) (4/4)

“The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s newest entry is its biggest, most ambitious piece of storytelling in the studio’s 10 years of existence and the minute you exit the theatre, you’ll be lining up at the box office to buy another ticket.”

It’s that good.

If, after that, you’re eager for a little bit extra, then you’ll want to find out just how many Avengers: Infinity War post-credits scenes (opens in new tab) there are.

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