What are your favorite GamesRadar features of all time?

Surely you’ve heard? This month marks the glorious five-year anniversary of GamesRadar.com, still officially the most official “official” website of the internet and, if we may be so bold, a pretty good place to read about games.

For the past few weeks, we’ve celebrated this milestone by bringing back some of our greatest hits (opens in new tab) – old videos, old features and old artwork that we’re just as proud of today as we were when they first posted (which was often before we had comments or a working video player).

Now it’s your turn. You’re as much a part of GamesRadar’s identity and success as we are, so tell us…
What areyour favorite GamesRadar moments? What arethe best things we’ve ever posted in your opinion?

Maybe a Top 7 (opens in new tab). Maybe a TalkRadar (opens in new tab)special. Maybe a uniquely, undeniably GamesRadar editorial, themed week, 1000-page countdown or Photoshop spectacular. Maybe a news story about Mario Sports Mix – we won’t judge.

Whatever your choices, be sure to share that love with us and with the rest of the community. Compose a few sentences, or few paragraphs, about your favorite GamesRadar features in the comments below and we’ll include the best quotes in an upcoming tribute. Be a part of history!

Yes, we’re shamelessly dynamite blast-fishing for compliments here, but it really would mean a lot to hear your thoughts. Seriously, thank you… for this, and for the last five years.

Everyone @ GamesRadar

Mar 22, 2011

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