Tag Archives: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Top 7… Most disturbing things about the Zelda universe

The Dark World Hyrule, eh? Its the most magical, fantastical, and often-times most whimsical of Nintendos resolutely family-friendly game universes. It would be a great place to live, should you not be too bothered about having a TV or a place to charge your laptop. Except that it wouldnt. You …

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Ocarina of Time video: Ganons Castle FAP

Aftereight videosand just as many hours, we’re finally entering the home stretch. Ocarina of Time’s closing moments are indeed some of the series’ best, with a climactic showdown between Link and Ganondorf, and then a truly awesome duel to the death with the latter’s final form. While I may bitch …

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