Ocarina of Time video: Ganons Castle FAP

Aftereight videosand just as many hours, we’re finally entering the home stretch. Ocarina of Time’s closing moments are indeed some of the series’ best, with a climactic showdown between Link and Ganondorf, and then a truly awesome duel to the death with the latter’s final form. While I may bitch and moan about the platforming elements in this dungeon (they’re irrefutably awful), that last skirmish with Ganon still ranks among my favorite videogame moments of all time. I go intogreater detail in the video, but yeah, it’s amazing. Still the best final boss of any Zelda game, maybe of any Nintendo title.

As usual, I play through the dungeon, and have Carolyn, Henry and Mike Grimm in tow for color commentary and no small amount of ridicule. Now that Ocarina of Time is handled, what other game would you like to see played through in a series of videos? We have some thoughts, but we’re always eager to appease you fine folks…

Aftereight videosand just as many hours, we’re finally entering the home stretch. Ocarina of Time’s closing moments are indeed some of the series’ best, with a climactic showdown between Link and Ganondorf, and then a truly awesome duel to the death with the latter’s final form. While I may bitch and moan about the platforming elements in this dungeon (they’re irrefutably awful), that last skirmish with Ganon still ranks among my favorite videogame moments of all time. I go intogreater detail in the video, but yeah, it’s amazing. Still the best final boss of any Zelda game, maybe of any Nintendo title.

As usual, I play through the dungeon, and have Carolyn, Henry and Mike Grimm in tow for color commentary and no small amount of ridicule. Now that Ocarina of Time is handled, what other game would you like to see played through in a series of videos? We have some thoughts, but we’re always eager to appease you fine folks…

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Ocarina of Time video: Spirit Temple FAP
We enter the home stretch of our ongoing Ocarina playthrough

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Ocarina of Time video: Shadow Temple FAP
An ancient evil is awakened, and it’s up to us to slowly and clumsily save the day

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Ocarina of Time video: Water Temple FAP
The longest, most frustrated FAP to this day. And probably ever

About Fox

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