Hostel 3 trailer online

Despite Eli Roth washing his hands of the next instalment in the Hostel series, director Scott Spiegel ( From Dusk ‘Til Dawn 2 ) and producer Chris Briggs ( Hostel: Part 2 ) are giving the torture porn junkies another hit.

The next chapter of the franchise debuts on unrated DVD this Christmas from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.

Hostel: Part 3 is said to contain even more disturbing torture scenes than its predecessors. Set in Sin City the notorious Elite Hunting Club are back to their old tricks.

Human torture has been transferred into the world of high stakes gambling in this grisly chapter.

But fear not! As with Hostel Part 1 & 2 there seems to be plenty of naked ladies and reckless debauchery to take your mind off the torment.

The question as to whether a third film was needed or wanted seems to be somewhat futile now, but we have the trailer for you to decide for yourself!

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