Double Fine working with Sega on upcoming adventure game?

For the past week, the principle designer behind one of Double Fine’s upcoming adventure games, Ron Gilbert, has been postingcryptic pictures (opens in new tab)of characters on his blog. Characters that will one day populate an adventure game, though not the now-famous Double Fine Kickstarter game.

The images he posted appeared in a jagged outline pattern, and now we know why. Those jigsaw character pictures fit perfectly into a landscape that publisher SEGA released (opens in new tab) today, leaving little doubt that some sort of collaboration is now underway between the two companies.

Unfortunately, both companies are still quiet on the issue and have not doled out any information about what this might entail, though it seems quite likely that SEGA will be lending its publishing muscle to support Ron Gilbert’s endeavors while Tim Schafer is hard at work on the Kickstarter game.

Right now, we’re hearing that SEGA will have more to say on the matter on Thursday, though beyond that, we have no idea what they might have to say.

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