The Binding of Isaac coming to PCs and Macs on September 28

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It almost slipped by us, but last Saturday, September 17, Edward McMillen, revealed The Binding of Isaac’s release date on his blog, Edmund’s Dev Blog for Gay Nerds. The game will be on Steam for Mac and PC next Wednesday, September 28. Set your alarm clocks.

McMillen is a co-creator of Super Meat Boy, and The Binding of Isaac is sort of his retro-throwback side-project with a splash of darkness and garnish of blood. It’s heavily influenced by the original Legend of Zelda, but instead of rescuing a princess, you’re tasked with escaping your mother’s dismal basement and eventually killing her. As the game gets nearer to release, more information has begun to slip out, including a couple of choice items from the creator himself.

In a second spoiler-lite blog post on the same Saturday, McMillen revealed a bit more about the game including its complex progression system that changes the game as you play. You can read about it here, but be warned: the post reveals surprises in the game. Though there’s nothing in it that will ruin the experience, it might be worth waiting till Wednesday, giving Steam your five bucks, and discovering The Binding of Isaac on your own.

Sep19, 2011

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