REC 3: Genesis teaser trailer creeps online

The first teaser trailer for Spanish horror [REC]³ Génesis has appeared online over at ShockTillYouDrop .

It’s a cleverly done 50-second tease, spun around a neat twist on the usually yawnsome wedding photos montage before climaxing with a torrent of gore.

One things for sure, this looks fairly different to the earlier [REC] movies, both of which were set inside an infected apartment block.

This one is directed by Paco Plaza, who co-directed the earlier instalments with Jaume Balagueró, and it’s said to contain prequel elements (not surprising given that subtitle).

It also seems to have moved away from the found-footage format: will it still be able to generate the same intensity of dread without the first-person gimmick?

Check out the teaser here:

[REC]³ Génesis is expected to open in Spain in March 2012.

Balagueró will direct final chapter [REC]⁴: Apocalypse , due out later next year.

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