Xbox Series X FPS Bright Memory: Infinite teases boss fights in action-packed new trailer

A new trailer has dropped for the utterly gorgeous new Xbox Series X (opens in new tab) shooter, Bright Memory: Infinite – and it looks wonderfully ridiculous. During today’s Future’s Games Show, fans got a second look at the dystopian future meets fantasy FPS, with the latest bullet-ridden trailer showcasing the shooter’s boss battles for the first time.

Set in the year 2036, Bright Memory: Infinite looks to combine time travelling spaceships, blistering Bulletstorm-esque speed and steel clashing samurai showdowns in what can only be described as the most video game video game ever created. Once again we see our protagonist Shelia wielding everything from futuristic pistols, to heavy machine guns, and of course – brandishing her trusty katana. 

While it’s inspirations look slightly all over the place, there’s no denying that whatever is going on in Bright Memory: Infinite – it all looks like one hell of a good time. In this second trailer, we get a brief look at more gameplay outside of the gunplay, glimpsing everything from wall-running, to body armour-housed grappling guns, and of course our heroine’s katana prowess.

After watching Shelia lay waste to all manner of armed assailants, the final segment of the teaser sees her spewing bullets at a teleporting samurai. While every other foe we’ve seen to date appears to be your bog-standard human, this souped-up samurai leads the charge with a series of mesmerizing magic-based attacks.

As he attempts to cleave his blade into Shelia’s skull, our heroine shows that the game’s sword attacks are not just used for parrying, with this scintillating snippet showing her attacking with a blend of well-timed sword swings before doubling down on the ancient art of bullet fu. We don’t know about you, but this is all starting to look a bit like the next-gen Red Steel we always dreamed about.

From taking down speedboats to power sliding through a hail of bulletfire, Bright Memory: Infinite looks to be the kind of over the top FPS that very few big studios are bothering to create any more. And the most impressive part? This is all made by a lone developer. Stay tuned to GamesRadar for more information on Bright Memory: Infinite as we get it.

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