You spent all that time playing video games last year, and what do you have to show for it? Your PlayStation 2019 Wrap-Up, that’s what! The new retrospective website from PlayStation will give you a personalized look back at your last year in PS4 gaming, breaking down stats such as which games you played most and what time of the week you tended to get the most game time in. It will also straight-up tell you how many hours you spent playing PS4, if you aren’t afraid to look.
You can check out the PlayStation 2019 Wrap-Up for US accounts here, or for UK accounts here. My wrap-up informed that me, yep, I definitely played a lot of Yakuza last year. Thanks in large part to my action-packed adventures with Kazuma Kiryu, I’m sure, it bestowed upon me the 2019 title of Action Hero – you’ll have to check your own wrap-up to see what Sony thinks of your play habits. Oh, and I played the most on Saturday evenings, because Yakuza is more fun than socializing.
You can pick up a free dynamic theme and seven avatars by hitting the “Redeem your prizes” button next to your title, or share your results with friends and family. Remember, they can see all the same info that you can see, so only share your results with people who won’t judge you about your video game marathoning habits. Or proudly display all of your stats to the world, whatever you’re comfortable with. Basically, what I’m saying is that you should live your best life at all times, especially when it’s 3 am on Sunday and you’re still playing Resident Evil 2 after starting at 8 pm on Saturday.
Find your next marathon-worthy favorite in our guide to the best PS4 games you can play right now.