The 10 sexiest photos from E3 2011

E3 is many things to many people. It’s exciting. It’s nerve-wracking. It’s enthralling. But most of all, I think we can all agree that it’s sexy beyond belief. And this year’s show floor contained a particularly high quotient of the sexy. So much so that we’ve collected together the 10 sexiest images from E3 2011, and presented them in a gallery here for your perusal and appraisal. Brace yourselves. It’s going to get hot.

Mad Catz Tritton Xbox 360 headset

Smash! Such solidity. Such sense of purpose. Such uncompromising form, emphasised by an eye-catching but never showy soft gloss finish. Blunt but sensual, with the delicate detail of the smashed glass drawing a powerful juxtaposition between intricate kineticism and unswerving stoicism.

Mad Catz FPS Pro controller

From this angle, kind of sexy in a sleek, battle-hardened cyborg ninja space marine kind of way. If Master Chief and Ryu Hayabusa had sexy sex and produced a sexy offspring, it would look like this.

But from this angle? Ultra sexy! Shadowy. Moody. Mysterious. Red lights glowing ominously and textured detail subtler, but somehow more striking. It’s a lot like Tron, if Tron was a subdued, smokey noir nightclub rather than a film about tiny computer men.

Sony’s PS Vita

Sleek. Elegant. Simple. We’re all used to the Vita’s paddle-lozenge silouette by now, but here it’s showing that it can be minimalist, unobtrusive and classy. It’s the perfect way to show off its often overlooked brushed steel curves too. They’re a hot but understated detail.

The rear touch panel. Mmmm. Rear touch. Sexy.

Razer Star Wars: The
Old Republic keyboard

The interplay between the keyboard’s thin, delicate panel and beliggerently razor blade corners gives it a striking countenance, simultaneously entrancing and intimidating. Truly the dominatrix of the keyboard world.

Razer Star Wars: The
Old Republic mouse

Smooth, soft roundness set off delectably with a pearly metallic finish, broken up with understated but assertive elegence by the angular thread patterning and slick lines of the side buttons. Imposing but inviting.

Steel Series Diablo
III mouse

An otherwise unremarkable mouse made remarkable by the underplayed power of the inset red LEDs. Blotted out by the dense matt black of the scroll wheel, looking at them is like looking into the glowing embers of the fires of Mount Doom. Pure, simmering, glowering heat and rage.

Nintendo’s Wii U

No-one ever pays attention to the back of controllers. But they should. Because they’re sexy. The smooth, inviting curve above that soft ridge fairly demands that your fingers caress it, and the sharper alcove below is so snug and comforting a fit for the digits that it should be illegal.

Bold but soft. Robust but subtle. Evoking the powerful and the pristine all at the same time. And that satin finish makes you want to stroke it all day long.

Hottest E3 ever? We rather think so. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go outside and turn a cold hose on myself.

June 10, 2011

Mad Catz Tritton Xbox 360 headset

Smash! Such solidity. Such sense of purpose. Such uncompromising form, emphasised by an eye-catching but never showy soft gloss finish. Blunt but sensual, with the delicate detail of the smashed glass drawing a powerful juxtaposition between intricate kineticism and unswerving stoicism.

Mad Catz FPS Pro controller

From this angle, kind of sexy in a sleek, battle-hardened cyborg ninja space marine kind of way. If Master Chief and Ryu Hayabusa had sexy sex and produced a sexy offspring, it would look like this.

But from this angle? Ultra sexy! Shadowy. Moody. Mysterious. Red lights glowing ominously and textured detail subtler, but somehow more striking. It’s a lot like Tron, if Tron was a subdued, smokey noir nightclub rather than a film about tiny computer men.

Sony’s PS Vita

Sleek. Elegant. Simple. We’re all used to the Vita’s paddle-lozenge silouette by now, but here it’s showing that it can be minimalist, unobtrusive and classy. It’s the perfect way to show off its often overlooked brushed steel curves too. They’re a hot but understated detail.

The rear touch panel. Mmmm. Rear touch. Sexy.

Razer Star Wars: The
Old Republic keyboard

The interplay between the keyboard’s thin, delicate panel and beliggerently razor blade corners gives it a striking countenance, simultaneously entrancing and intimidating. Truly the dominatrix of the keyboard world.

Razer Star Wars: The
Old Republic mouse

Smooth, soft roundness set off delectably with a pearly metallic finish, broken up with understated but assertive elegence by the angular thread patterning and slick lines of the side buttons. Imposing but inviting.

Steel Series Diablo
III mouse

An otherwise unremarkable mouse made remarkable by the underplayed power of the inset red LEDs. Blotted out by the dense matt black of the scroll wheel, looking at them is like looking into the glowing embers of the fires of Mount Doom. Pure, simmering, glowering heat and rage.

Nintendo’s Wii U

No-one ever pays attention to the back of controllers. But they should. Because they’re sexy. The smooth, inviting curve above that soft ridge fairly demands that your fingers caress it, and the sharper alcove below is so snug and comforting a fit for the digits that it should be illegal.

Bold but soft. Robust but subtle. Evoking the powerful and the pristine all at the same time. And that satin finish makes you want to stroke it all day long.

Hottest E3 ever? We rather think so. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go outside and turn a cold hose on myself.

June 10, 2011

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