Steven Spielberg still toying with Jurassic Park 4

jurassic park

It has been a decade since the last Jurassic Park movie roared onto the big screen, but Steven Spielberg is still interested in continuing the profitable franchise with a fourth outing.

Rumours of a Jurassic Park 4 have done the rounds pretty much ever since the series’ third entry debuted in 2001, grabbing $369m at the box office.

Spielberg is reportedly now throwing some ideas around for a fourquel with Thor screenwriter Mark Protosevich, with a possible aim to reboot the franchise.

Universal Studios’ reps are keen to stress that at this point the discussions are “purely exploratory”, but if The Beard hits upon an idea, just try and stop him making the movie.

Previously, the deaths of author Michael Crichton and creature designer Stan Winston – two key players in the Jurassic series – looked to have sealed the franchise’s fate. Even star Sam Neill thought it was over.

A fourth Jurassic movie is obviously a big deal for Universal, who now has only one strong franchise in Fast & Furious , and is clearly keen to get another going.

Let’s hope a fourth movie, if it happens, returns the franchise to its roots and doesn’t turn out to be another cynical, charm-free moneyspinner.

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