Rumour: Is this the casting breakdown for Star Wars: Episode VII?

With Star Wars: Episode VII edging towards a production start date, a possible casting breakdown has emerged online, giving some potential clues to the direction the new film will head in.

The team at Bleeding Cool (opens in new tab) have got their hands on a casting synopsis which outlines the key characters of the new film, with a young female protagonist top of the list.

The breakdown reads as follows:

– Late-teen female, independent, good sense of humour, fit.

– Young twenty-something male, witty and smart, fit but not traditionally good looking.

– A late twenty-something male, fit, handsome and confident.

– Seventy-something male, with strong opinions and tough demeanour. Also doesn’t need to be particularly fit.

– A second young female, also late teens, tough, smart and fit.

– Forty something male, fit, military type.

– Thirtysomething male, intellectual. Apparently doesn’t need to be fit.

We like the inclusion of “good sense of humour” as a requirement for the leading role. No sour-pusses please…

Whether or not the breakdown is legit remains to be seen, but the site claims to be 100% convinced of its veracity. If nothing else, it should provide plenty of grist for the rumour mill.

Directed by J.J. Abrams, Star Wars: Episode VII will open in the UK in May 2015.

Oh, and for an idea of who could nab the roles, we’ve been asking a few of Hollywood’s biggest stars if they’d like to get involved…

And if you want to find out who’s at the top of our casting wishlist, check out this Casting Star Wars Episode VII feature:

(opens in new tab)

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