Robert Downey Jr. reveals Tony Stark’s Avengers: Endgame fate… in a car advert?

2018 is weird but, as this car commercial starring Robert Downey Jr. confirms, it can only ever get weirder. That’s because Tony Stark’s Avengers 4 (opens in new tab): Endgame fate has been potentially spoiled by a neat piece of product placement. So, if you want to find out if Iron Man survives his stint in space, you’d best get watching…

At 3:41 in the video above (H/T CBR (opens in new tab)), RDJ, who is testing the Audi e-Tron GT Concept for a featurette, turns to the camera after Audi’s Head of Design, Marc Lichte reveals he’s already driven the car and says: “As Tony Stark in Avengers 4, out in theaters Spring 2019, I [drove this car].”

Now, the last time I checked, there weren’t many Audis floating around Titan’s orbit. So that either means Stark Industries’ tech has improved exponentially since Avengers: Infinity War (opens in new tab) or maybe, just maybe, Tony does indeed make his way back to Earth safe and sound. You can tell NASA to call off the search, guys…

Sure, we all kinda assumed Tony Stark would live to fight another day (after that, who knows?), but it’s good to get a weirdly surreal piece of good news through the medium of a car commercial. What next, we hear Cap’s returning via a PPI ad?

If you think all this could just be some elaborate ruse to keep us guessing, then it’s worth noting that Audi has had a product placement deal in place with Marvel for all three Iron Man movies. Capping off what could very well be Tony Stark’s last hurrah with another sweet Audi ride makes all the sense in the world. Now, let’s just hope he can drive off into the sunset.

Out of all the best Avengers 4 theories (opens in new tab) and stories in 2018, an Audi spoiler (no, not that kind) might just top the lot.

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