Natalie Portman angry over Patty Jenkins leaving Thor 2

Natalie Portman is reportedly most displeased at the exit of Patty Jenkins from superhero sequel Thor 2 earlier this month.

Monster director Jenkins had been announced as the replacement for Kenneth Branagh, after Branagh had turned down the opportunity to return. It was an appointment that would have made Jenkins the first female director to head up a major superhero movie, only for her to leave the project abruptly at the beginning of the month.

Whilst “creative differences” were mooted, The Hollywood Reporter suggests that Jenkins was fired without warning, a course of events that has riled Portman.

It is thought that the star had already been considering her position in the sequel over concerns that it would keep her from spending time with her new baby. However, those issues were apparently resolved, with Jenkins presence a key factor in Portman’s decision.

Portman is now contractually obliged to appear in the film, although Marvel hope to appease her somewhat by involving her in the search for Jenkins’ replacement. Word on who that might be, as we get it.

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