Mortal Kombat 2011 guide

By:  Christopher McCullough  (Grig Lager/Sir Galahad)

Version 0.92  4-28-2011

Remember The Lin Kuei Headquarters.

     The information in this compendium is for the 2011 release of 

Mortal Kombat, aka MK9.  Please send any kudos, appraisals, 

complaints, check or money orders,etc. to  

All rights reserved, all wrongs reversed.Two wrongs don’t make a 

right, but three rights make a left.

What’s New:

.92 – Added movelist for Goro, hidden koins in Krypt, Unlockables

in Challenge Tower

.91 – Added Challenge Tower titles, additional Kombat Kodes

.90 – First release



I.   Default Controller layouts

II. Kombatants

III. Tips + Secrets

IV. Achievments/Trophies

V. Kombat Kodes

VI. The Challenge Tower

VII. The Krypt

VIII. Endings

IX. Credits



 Mortal Kombat allows you to customize up to four different controller 

layout configurations for gameplay of which you have the opportunity 

to select upon choosing a Kombatant.

PS3 Controller


Front Punch[FP] – Square

Back Punch[BP]  – Triangle

Front Kick[FK]  – X

Back Kick[BK]   – Circle

Throw       – R1

Tag Partner – L1

Block       – R2

Flip Stance – L2

X-Box 360 Controller


Front Punch[FP] – X

Back Punch[BP]  – Y

Front Kick[FK]  – A

Back Kick[BK]   – B

Throw       – Right Bumper

Tag Partner – Left Bumper

Block       – Right Trigger

Flip Stance – Right Bumper

MK Arcade Controller


             Up                       Front Punch         Back Punch

Back/Forward    Forward/Back                       Block


            Down                      Front Kick          Back Kick

                                  Tag Partner

Flip Stance –  [FK] + [BK]

Throw       –  [FP] + [FK]

x-Arcade Controller (8 button layout)


             Up                       Front Punch | Back Punch | Throw

Back/Forward    Forward/Back                      


            Down                      Front Kick  | Back Kick  | Block


                           Tag Partner | Flip Stance

Flip Stance –  [FK] + [BK]

Throw       –  [FP] + [FK]





Baraka is the fiercest of the Tarkatans, vicious nomadic mutants from the 

wastes of Outworld. Like all Tarkatan males, he joined Shao Kahn’s army 

once he came of age and survived the brutal Ritual of Blood. He gained 

the rank of Enforcer after single-handedly defeating a rebel faction. His 

loyalty and strength make him a favorite of the emperor; his retractable 

blades have slain many of Shao Kahn’s most bitter enemies. As a kontestant 

in the Mortal Kombat tournament, he will ensure his emperor’s claim to 


 Blade Swipe – Back + [FP]

 Cross Swipe – Back + [BP]

 Gut Strike   – Forward + [BP]

 Foot Stomp   – Back + [FK]

 Hop Kick     – Up + [FK]

 Quick Knee   – Forward + [BK]

 Big Legs     – Up + [BK]

 Sweep        – Back + [BK]

 Blade Uppercut – Down + [BP]

 Fast Tags


 Bloody Mess – Back + [FK], [FP], Tag


 Tag Combos


 Skinned Alive – [FP], [BP], Tag

 Killer Kuts    – [BP], [FP], Tag

 Have At It     – [BP], [BP], Tag



 Tarkatan Rush   – [FP], [BP], [FP]

 Painful Swipes – [FP], [BP], [BP]

 Tricky Fury     – [FP], [BP], Back + [FK]

 Cut ‘Em Loose   – Back + [FP], [FP]

 Splinter   – Back + [FP], Forward + [BP]

 Cold Steel   – [BP], [FP], [BP]

 Tears of Pain – [BP], [BP], [BP] + [FP]

 Tarkatan Push   – Back + [BP], Forward + [BP]

 Horrow Show    – Forward + [BP], [BK]

 Outworld Bash   – Forward + [BP], [BP]

 Tarkatan Blows   – [FK], Back + [FK]

 Open Wound       – Back + [FK], [FP], Forward + [FP]

 Easy Kill      – Back + [FK], [BP], [BP]

 Doom Kicks     – Forward + [BK], [BK]

 Special Moves


 Blade Charge   – Down, Forward, [BP]

 Spark           – Down, Back, [BP]

 Chop Chop      – Back, Back, [FP]

 Blade Spin     – Down, Back, [FK]

 Slices        – Down, Forward, [FP]

 Enhanced Attacks


 (Requires one bar of Super)

 Blade Rush    – Down, Forward, [BP] + Block

 Sparked         – Down, Back, [BP] + Block

 Chopchop Shop   – Back, Back, [FP] + Block

 Spinner       – Down, Back, [FK] + Block

 Slicer       – Down, Forward, [FP] + Block

 X-Ray Move


 (Requires full Super bar)

 Nail and Impale   – Flip Stance + Block

 Finishing Moves


 Up the middle – Back, Forward,  Down, Forward,  [FP] (sw)

 Take a Spin – Forward,  Forward,  Down, Down, [FK] (sw)

 Stage Fatality – Down, Down, Down, [FK]

 Babality – Forward,  Back, Forward,  [BK]



“Safeties disabled.  Combat mode engaged!”

A skilled Motswana warrior, Cyrax relies on his natural fighting ability, 

his chi, to carry out Lin Kuei missions. He is proud to serve, but when 

the Grand Master initiates a program to convert the clan into cyborgs, 

Cyrax resists. He is reluctant to lose his humanity, which he believes 

is more effective than any mechanical augmentation. He has contemplated 

leaving the clan, fearing that it is no longer an organization of 

honorable assassins. Cyrax knows, however, that such a decision means 

death at the hands of his former comrades. No one leaves the Lin Kuei.

 Yank   – Back + [FP]

 Uppercut   – Down + [BP]

 Blase Overhead   – Back  + [BP]

 Tooth and Nail   – Forward + [BP]

 Side Kick     – Back + [FK]

 Hop Kick      – Up + [BK]

 Sweep        – Back + [BK]

 Fast Tag


 Automation – Back + [BP], Tag

 Tag Combos


 Number Cruncher   – Back + [FP], Tag

 High Tech      – [FP], [BP], Tag

 Short circuit    – [BP], [FP], Tag



 See Saw – [FP], [FP], [FP]

 Steel Fists – [FP], [BP], [FP]

 Power Plant – [FP], [BP], [FK]

 Mustard – [BP], [FP], [BP]

 Saw Enough – [BP], [BP], Forward + [FP]

 Kombat boots – [FK], [FK], [BK]

 Cyber Beatdown – Back + [FP], [BP], [FP], [BP]


 Special Moves



Close – Back, Back, [BK]

Medium – Forward, Forward, [BK]

Far – Back, Back, Forward, [BK]

 Net – Back, Back, [FK]

 Teleport – Down, Back, [FP]

(Can be done in air)

 Buzzsaw – Back, Forward, [BP]

 Reverse Kick – Down, Forward, [FK]

 Ragdoll – Down, Forward, [FK], Throw

 Anti-Air – Down, Forward, [BP]

(Opponent must be in air)

 Enhanced Attacks


 (Requires one bar of Super)

 Sticky Bomb – Back, Back, [BK] + Block

 Electro Net – Back, Back, [FK] + Block

 Bangport – Down, Back, [FP] + Block

(Can be done in air)

 Saw Blade – Back, Forward, [BP] + Block

 Donkey Kick – Down, Forward, [FK] + Block

 Ragdolls – Down, Forward, [FK] + Block, Throw

 Power Anti-Air – Down, Forward, [BP] + Block

(Opponent must be in air)

 X-Ray Move


 (Requires full Super bar)

 Cyberdriver   – Flip Stance + Block

 Finishing Moves


 Buzz Kill – Forward, Down, Forward, Back, [BP] (cl)

 Nothing But Net – Back, Down, Back, Forward, [FP] (jump)

 Stage Fatality – Down, Up, Block

 Babality – Down, Forward, Back, [BP]



“We are many; you are but one!”

As punishment for resisting Shao Kahn’s claim to the realm of Edenia, the souls 

of the vanquished were torn from their bodies and fused together to form the 

being now known as Ermac. Bent to Shao Kahn’s will, Ermac is his foremost 

enforcer. The essences of so many souls bound together give Ermac immense 

telekinetic power–an advantage that will destroy Earthrealm’s resistance 

to Shao Kahn’s rule.

 Back Fist – Forward + [FP]

 Uppercut   – Down + [BP]

 Wind Strikes – Back + [FP]

 Fist Smash   – Forward + [BP]

 Psychic Palm – Back + [BP]

(Hold [BP] to charge)

 Quick Kick – Back + [FK]

 [BP]-hit Kick – Forward + [BK]

 Low Leg – Up + [BK]

 Sweep – Back + [BK]

 Fast Tag


 Breakdown   – Forward + [BP], Tag

 Brain Freeze – Back + [BP], Tag

 Mind-Clowing – Back + [FP], [BP], Forward + [FP], Tag

 Tag Combos


 Clear Your Mind – Forward + [FP], [FP], Tag

 Subconscious    – Back + [FP], [FP], Tag

 Lucidity   – [FK], [FP], Tag



 Ermac Rush   – [FP], [BP], [FP]

 Mysterious Rush   – Forward + [FP], [FP], [BK]

 Fusion   – Back + [FP], [FP], [BK]

 We Win   – Back + [FP], [BP], Forward + [FP]  

 Nether Pain – [BP], [BP]

 Psychic Strikes – Back + [BP], Back + [FP]

 Lost Souls – Back + [BP], [FP], Forward + [BP]

 Relinquish – [FK], [FK]

 Surrender – [FK], [FP], [BP]

 Disoriented – Back + [FK], [BK]

 Controlled Chaos – Forward + [BK], Back + [BP]

 Special Moves


 Force Ball – Down, Back, [BP]

 Air Blast – Down, Back, [BP]

(While in air)

 Force Port – Down, Back [BK]

(Can be done in air)

 Force Lift – Down, Back, [FP]

 Butt slam – Down, Down, Up

 Force Push – Back, Forward, [FP]

 Enhanced Attacks


 (Requires one bar of Super)

 Focus Ball – Down, Back, [BP] + Block

 Force Blast – Down, Back, [BP] + Block

(While in air)

 Teleport – Down, Back [BK] + Block

(Can be done in air)

 Telelift – Down, Back, [FP] + Block

 Butt Smash – Down, Up, [BK] + Block

 Telepush – Back, Forward, [FP] + Block

 X-Ray Move


 (Requires full Super bar)

 Cannonball Slam   – Flip Stance + Block

 Finishing Moves


 Mind Over Splatter – Down, Up, Down, Down, Block (jump)

 Pest Control – Forward, Back, Forward, Down, [BK] (jump)

 Stage Fatality – Down, Up, Down, Down, [FK]

 Babality – Down, Up, Down, Down, [FK]



(NOTE:  Currently Goro is only known to be playable on 

challenge #150(Gor-Owned) of the Challenge Tower)

 Cross Strike – Back + [FP] 

 Upward Fist – Back + [BP]

 Low Kick – Back + [FK]

 Side Kick – Back + [BK]



 Shokan Strikes – [BP], [BP]

 Special Moves


 Fireball – Down, Forward, [FP]

 Stomp – Down, Back, [BK]

 Ground Pound – Down, Back, [FK]

 Taunt – Back, Forward, [FK]

 Goro Grab – Down, Forward, [BP]

 Arm Spin – Back, Forward, [BK]

 X-Ray Move


 (Requires full Super bar)

 Crusher   – Flip Stance + Block



“This will be easy!”

An assassin for Shao Kahn, Jade has earned a reputation as an agile and stealthy

warrior. Her family was Edenian nobility and served the emperor once he 

conquered their realm, giving Jade to him as tribute when she was a child. 

After years of rigorous training in the art of kombat, Shao Kahn awarded her 

the position of Bodyguard to Princess Kitana. Over the centuries she and Kitana 

have become close friends, which makes Jade’s secret orders from Shao Kahn 

painful to accept: Should Kitana’s loyalty falter, Jade must kill her friend.

 Staff Strikes – Back + [FP]

 Rising Pole – Back + [BP]

 Upward Thrust – Forward + [BP]

 Gut Kick – Back + [FK]

 Pole Vault – Up + [FK]

 Uppercut – Down + [BP]

 Sweep – Back + [BK]

 Fast Tag


 Untameable – Back + [BP], Tag

 Pole Pain – Up + [FK], Tag

 Tag Combos


 After You – [FP], [BP], Tag

 Likewise – [BP], [FK], Tag

 Edenian Tag – Forward + [BP], [FP], Tag

 Distrust – [FK], [BK], Tag



 Pole Check – [FP], [BP], [BP]

 Jade Charge – Back + [FP], Forward + [FP]

 Bad Girl – [BP], [FK], Forward + [BP]

 Edenian Rush – Forward + [BP], [FP], [BP]

 Betrayal – [FK], [BK], [BP]

 Assassin Strikes – Back + [FK], [BP]

 Polecat – [BK], Forward + [FK]

 Special Moves


 Boomerang – Down, Forward, [FP]

 Boomerang Up – Down, Back, [FP]

 Boomerang Down – Down, Forward, [FK]

 Shadow Kick – Down, Forward, [BK]

 Shadow Flash – Back, Forward, [FK]

 Staff Overhead – Down, Back, [BP]

 Staff Grab – Down, Forward, [BP]

 Enhanced Attacks


 (Requires one bar of Super)

 Reboomerang – Down, Forward, [FP] + Block

 Reboomerang Up – Down, Back, [FP] + Block

 Reboomerang Down – Down, Forward, [FK] + Block

 Eclipse Kick – Down, Forward, [BK] + Block

 Shadow Glow – Back, Forward, [FK] + Block

 Staff Smash – Down, Back, [BP] + Block

 Staff Slam – Down, Forward, [BP] + Block

 X-Ray Move


 (Requires full Super bar)

 Staff Buster   – Flip Stance + Block

 Finishing Moves


 Head-A-Rang – Up, Up, Down, Forward, [FP]

 Half Mast – Back, Down, Back, Down, [BK]

 Stage Fatality – Back, Forward, Down, Block

 Babality – Down, Forward, Back, [BP]


“Bring it!”

A decorated member of the U.S. Special Forces and a formidable close-kombat 

warrior, Major Jackson Briggs’ current mission is to bring down the notorious 

criminal organization known as the Black Dragon. With Lieutenant Sonya Blade, 

he has seized many of their weapons caches. But when a trusted informant, Kano, 

was revealed to be a high-ranking member of the Black Dragon, Jax made Kano’s 

capture his priority. Kano has gotten the better of Jax thus far, leading the 

Special Forces into numerous deadly ambushes. Jax and Sonya finally cornered 

Kano on an uncharted island but were overpowered by the island’s inhabitants. 

They have now been forced into a sadistic ritual of bloody kombat.

 Uppercut – Down + [BP]

 Hook Swipe – Back + [FP]

 Big Leg – Forward + [FK]

 Shin Kick – Forward + [BK]

 Sweep – Back + [BK]

 Throws :

  Triple Slam – Throw, [FP] + [BK]

  Four slams  – Throw, [FP] + [BK], [BP] + [FK]

  Five slams  – Throw, [FP] + [BK], [BP] + [FK], [BP] + [BK]

  Six slams   – Throw, [FP] + [BK], [BP] + [FK], [BP] + [BK], 

[FP] + [BP] + [FK] + [BK]

 Fast Tag


 Majority Rules – Down, Back, [FK], Tag

 Outranked    – Down, Back, [FK] + Block, Tag

(Uses one bar of Super)

 Tag Combos


 Major Muscles – Back + [FP], [BP], Tag

 Alloyver You – [BP], Forward + [BP], Tag

 Briggs’ Da Noise – [BP], Forward + [BP], Back + [FP], Tag



 Major Force – [FP], [BP], [FK]

 Boot Kamp – Back + [FP], [BP], [BK]

 Active Duty – [BP], [FP]

 Fild Grade – [BP], [BP]

 Chain of Command – [BP], Forward + [BP], Back + [FP]

 Advance Force – Forward + [BK], [FP], [FK]

 Code of Conduct – Forward + [BK], [FP], [BK]

 Special Moves


 Energy Wave – Down, Back, [BP] 

 Dash Punch – Down, Forward, [BP]

 Ground Pound

Close    – Down, Back, [FK] 

Medium   – Down, Forward, [FK]

Far – Down, Back Forward, [FK]

 Gotcha Grab – Down, Forward, [FP]

 Air Gotcha Grab – Down, Back, [FP]

 Overhead Smash – Down, Up, [BK]

 Back Breaker – Throw

(While in air)

 Enhanced Attacks


 (Requires one bar of Super)

 Assault Wave – Down, Back, [BP] + Block

 Dash Fist – Down, Forward, [BP] + Block

 Ground Quake – Down, Back, [FK] + Block

 Gotcha Beatdown – Down, Forward, [FP] + Block

 Air Gotcha Blast – Down, Back, [FP] + Block

 Elite Smash – Down, Up, [BK] + Block

 X-Ray Move


 (Requires full Super bar)

 Briggs’ Bash   – Flip Stance + Block

 Finishing Moves


 Smash and Grab – Back, Forward, Forward, Back, [BP]

 Three Points! – Forward, Forward, Back, Down, [FK]

 Stage Fatality   – Down, Forward, Down, [FP]

 Babality – Down, Down, Down, [FK]



“I make this look easy!”

There is no greater martial arts movie star than Johnny Cage. Films such 

as “Dragon Fist”, “Time Smashers” and “Citizen Cage” have made him one of 

the most highly paid actors in Hollywood. But there is more to Johnny than 

even he knows. He is a descendant of an ancient Mediterranean cult who bred 

warriors for the gods — warriors who possessed power beyond that of mortals. 

This legacy has made Johnny Cage a star. More important, it will aid him in 

the battle to come.

 Uppercut     – Down + [BP]

 Charge Palm – Back + [BP] (hold)

 [BP]Hit Elbow   – Forward + [BP]

 Pop Up       – Back + [FK]

 Rising Knee – Forward + [FK]

 Axe Kick     – Forward + [BK]

 Sweep        – Back + [BK]

 Fast Tag


 Cliffhanger – Back + [BP] (hold), Tag

 Fade Out – Forward + [BK], Tag

 Bootleg – Back + [FK], Tag

 Stunt Double – [BP], [FP], Forward + [BP], Tag

 Tag Combos


 Cameo – [FP], [FK], Tag

 Double Feature – [BP], [FP], Tag

 Stand-In – [BP], [FP], Forward + [BP], Tag



 Out Take       – [BP] ([FK]X)

 Show Time      – [BP], [FP], Forward + [FP]

 Stand In       – [BP], [FP], [BK]

 Cross Cutting – [FP], [FK], [BK]

 Widescreen     – [BP], [FP], Back + [BP]

 Director’s Cut – [BP], [FP], Forward + [BK]

 Take Two       – Back + [FK], [BP]

 Money Shot     – [BK] ([BP]X)

 That’s The Ticket – Back + [FK], [FK], Forward + [FK]

 Special Moves



 Low Forceball – Down, Forward, [BP]

 High Forceball – Down, Back, [BP]

 Flip Kick      – Down, Back, [FK]

 Shadow Kick    – Back, Forward, [BK]

 Nut Punch      – Back, Down, [FP]

 Enhanced Attacks


 (Requires one bar of Super)

 Double Low Ball – Down, Forward, [BP] + Block

 Double High Ball – Down, Back, [BP] + Block

 Ultra Flip Kick – Down, Back, [FK] + Block

 Eclipse Kick     – Back, Forward, [BK] + Block

 Nutcracker       – Back, Down, [FP] + Block

 X-Ray Move


 (Requires full Super bar)

 Ball Buster – Flip Stance + Block

 Finishing Moves


 Heads Up        – Forward, Forward, Back, Down, [FK]

   (Cage uppercuts the head off his opponent, then pulls the opponent’s 

    tosro off.  As he throws it to the ground, the head bounces up where cage 

    grabs it and holds it aloft.)

 And The Winner Is… – Down, Forward, Down, Forward, [BK] (SW)

 Stage Fatality – Down, Back, Forward, Block

 Babality – Forward, Back, Forward, [BK]



“Let’s see what you’re made of!”

Once a member of the Black Dragon clan, Kabal gave up his life of crime and put 

his fighting skills to more positive uses. He joined the New York City police 

force to kombat the underworld element he once served. This transition helped 

ease the pain of dark memories. But when New York was invaded he underwent 

another transformation–one that would afflict him physically. Severely injured 

in battle, he is doomed to wear a life support system forever.

 Uppercut – Down + [BP]

 Hook Swipe – Back + [FP]

 Strong Fist – Back + [BP]

 Step Kick – Forward + [FK]

 Big Knee – Forward + [BK]

 Sweep – Back + [BK]

 Fast Tag


 Up Next – Back + [FP], [BP], [FP], Tag

 Tag Combos


 Your Turn   – [FP], [FP], Back + [BK], Tag

 Partners in Crime – Back + [FP], [BP], Tag

 Rebirth – [BP], [FP], Tag



 Last Breath – [FP], [FP], [FP]

 Extermination – [FP], [FP], Back + [BK], [FK]

 Mutilation – Back + [FP], [BP], [FP]

 Vanquish – [BP], [FP], [BP]

 Nomad’s Fear – Forward + [FK], [BP]

 Eviscerate – Forward + [BK], [FP] + [BP]

 Special Moves


 Gas Blast – Back, Back, [FP]

(Can be done in air)

 Nomad Dash – Back, Forward, [BK]

(Back + Block cancells move)

 Buzzsaw – Back, Back, [FK]

 Tornado Slam – Down, Back, [BP]

 Enhanced Attacks


 (Requires one bar of Super)


 Vapor Blase – Back, Back, [FP] + Block

(Can be done in air)

 Nomad Charge – Back, Forward, [BK] + Block

 Saw Blades – Back, Back, [FK] + Block

 Cyclone Slam – Down, Back, [BP] + Block

 X-Ray Move


 (Requires full Super bar)

 Kabal’s Deep   – Flip Stance + Block

 Finishing Moves


 Hook Up – Back, Forward, Back, Forward, [FP] (sw)

 I Takes Guts – Down, Down, Back, Forward, Block

 Stage Fatality – Down, Down, [BK]

 Babality – Down, Forward, Down, [BP]



Undisciplined and dangerous, Kano is a thug for hire. From weapons dealing to 

cold-blooded murder, his military training has made him the go-to man for the 

Black Dragon. But when an operation went to hell and his face horribly 

mutilated, Kano’s crime spree was almost ended. Ever the survivor, he used his 

underworld connections to find a cyberneticist capable of repairing the damage. 

Kano was fitted with several high-tech enhancements, most notably his eye 

laser. With these new weapons, Kano’s reign of terror has only just begun.

 Strong Strike – Forward + [FP]

 Uppercut – Down + [BP]

 Gut Poke – Back + [FP]

 Overhead Smash – Back + [BP]

 Shin Kick – Forward + [FK]

 Hop Roundhouse – Forward + [BK]

 Sweep – Back  [BK]

 Fast Tag


 Lead Head – Back + [FP], [FP], [BP], Tag

 Ear to Ear – [BP], [FP], [BP], Tag

 Bloodthirsty – Forward + [FK], Back + [BP], Tag

 Tag Combos


 Troublesome – [FP], [FP], Tag

 Deliquent – Back + [FP], [FP], Tag

 Villianous – [BP], [FP], Tag

 Mischievous – Back + [BP], Tag



 One Two Three – [FP], [FP], [BP]

 Fighting King – Forward + [FP], [FP]

 No escape – Forward + [FP], [BP]

 Dragon’s Tail – Back + [FP], [FP], [BP]

 Snake Bite – Back + [FP], [BP]

 Getting Ahead – [BP], [FP], [BP]

 Uplifting Force – Back + [BP], [FK]

 Smashing Time – Back + [BP], Forward + [FP]

 Double Dragon – [FK], [FK]

 The Rage Kicks – Forward + [FK], [FK]

 Mean Machine – Forward + [FK], Back + [BP]

 Special Moves


 Ball – Forward, Down, Back, Forward

 Down Ball – Forward, Down, Back, Forward

(While in air)

 Up Ball – Down, Forward, [BP]

 Choke – Down, Forward, [FP]

 Knife Throw – Down, Back, [BP]

 Air Throw – Throw

(While in air)

 Enhanced Attacks


 (Requires one bar of Super)

 Kano Ball – Foward, Down, Back, Forward + Block

(Hold Block to delay)

 Downward Ball – Foward, Down, Back, Forward + Block

(While in air)

 Uprise Ball – Down, Forward, [BP] + Block

 Kano Choke – Down, Forward, [FP] + Block

 Knife Toss – Down, Back, [BP] + Block

 X-Ray Move


 (Requires full Super bar)

 Just The Tip   – Flip Stance + Block

 Finishing Moves


 Heartbreak – Back, Down, Back, Forward, [FP] (sw)

 Eat Your Heart Out – Down, Down, Forward, Back, [BK]

 Stage Fatality – Up, Up, Back, [BK]

 Babality – Forward, Forward, Down, Down, [FK]



“You will learn respect!”

Over 10,000 years old, Princess Kitana remembers little of her early 

years. Her mother, Queen Sindel, died mysteriously ages ago in Earthrealm. 

Most of her life she has loyally served her father, Shao Kahn, in his unending 

quest to conquer the realms. With her closest frienDown, Jade, Kitana enforces 

his brutal will. But there is a feeling tugging at her… a feeling that the 

life she has known is a deception. For the moment, Kitana dutifully works to 

ensure Outworld’s victory in this latest Mortal Kombat tournament. If she were 

to lower her guard, however, she might discover that her Earthrealm opponents 

can lead her to answers.

 Fan Slice – Back + [FP]

 Uprise – Back + [BP]

 Shin Kick – Back + [FK]

 Fan Stab – Forward + [BP]

 Hop Kick – Forward + [FK]

 Spin Kick – Forward + [BK]

 Sweep – Back + [BK]

 Fast Tag


 Truth Be Told – Forward + [BP], [FK], Tag

 Effortless – Forward + [FK], [FP], [BP], Tag

 Big Fan – Back, Back + [BP], Tag

 Tag Combos


 Pretty Princess – Back + [FP], Tag

 Mesmerizing – [BP], [FP], Tag

 Magnificient – [FK], [FK], Tag

 Disrespect – Forward + [FK], [FP], Tag



 Royal Pain – [FP], [FP], [BP]

 Dignified – Back + [FP], [BP]

 Majestic – [BP], [FP], [BP]

 Noble Lift – Forward + [BP], [FP]

 Regal Assault – [FK], [FK], [FK]

 Blue Blood – Back + [FK]

 Power Intrusion – Forward + [FK], [FP], [BP]

 Deadly Rush – Forward + [BK], [FP]

 pure Kicks – Forward + [BK], [FK]

 Deception – Forward + [BK], Back + [BK]

 Special Moves


 Fan Toss – Down, Forward, [FP]

  (Can be done in air)

 Upraise – Back, Back, [BP]

 Cutting Fan – Down, Forward, [BP]

 Square Boost – Down, Back, [BP]

 Pretty Kick – Down, Back, [FK]

 Fake Out Kick – Down, Back, [BK]

 Enhanced Attacks


 (Requires one bar of Super)

 Charged Fan – Down, Forward, [FP] + Block

(Hold [BP] to charge)

 Uplift – Back, Back, [BP] + Block

 Fan Dice – Down, Forward, [BP] + Block

 Square Wave – Down, Back, [FP] + Block

 Pretty Legs – Down, Back, [FK] + Block

 X-Ray Move


 (Requires full Super bar)

 Big Fan   – Flip Stance + Block

 Finishing Moves


 Fan Opener – Down, Down, Back, Forward, [BP]

 Splitting Headache – Forward, Down, Forward, Back, [FK]

 Stage Fatality – Forward, Down, Down, [FK]

 Babality – Forward, Down, Forward, [BK]




“You will not see the end of this day!”

Ancient Greece knew no more bloodthirsty a warrior than Kratos, who for a 

time was the God of War. Mortal once more, Kratos withdrew from the ages-old 

clash between men and gods. But his solitude was broken when he was ripped 

through space and time. As the madness subsided, Kratos found himself in 

present-day Outworld, kneeling before Shao Kahn. To ensure his victory in 

Mortal Kombat, the emperor had invoked an ancient ritual, sacrificing the souls 

of his vanguard to summon and enslave the most powerful warrior of all time. 

But the spell alone could not contain Kratos, who soon regained his free will. 

Enraged by Shao Kahn’s arrogance, Kratos vowed to rip the warlord’s spine from 

his body. The God of War had returned to battle.

 Ares Slash – Back + [FP]

 Zeus Slice – Forward + [FP]

 Divine Lift – Back + [BP]

(Hold [BP] for a follow up attack)

 Spartan Bash – Forward + [BP]

 Spartan Knee – Forward + [BK]

 Uppercut – Down + [BP]

 Sweep – Back + [BK]

 Fast Tag


 Athena’s Rage – [BP], [FP], [BP], Tag

 Olympic Chain – Back + [BP], Tag

 Pandora’s Box – Forward + [BK], [BP], Tag

 Tag Combos


 Hercules Rush – [FP], [FP], Tag

 Athena’s Pain – [BP], [FP], Tag



 Valor of Hercules – [FP], [FP], [BP]

 Wrath of Zeus – Forward + [BP], [FP]

 Anguish Of Zeus – Forward + [BP], [BP]

 Pandora’s Soul – Forward + [BK], [BP]

 Hades Pain – Back + [FP], Back + [BK]

 Hades Edge – Back + [FP], [BP]

 Aphrodite’s Will – Forward + [FP], [BK]

 Athena’s Fury – [BP], [FP], [BP]

 Olympic Ascencion – Back + Hold [BP], [FP]

 Olympic Burst – Back + Hold [BP], [BP]

 Olympic Blast – Back + Hold [BP], [FK]

 Olympic Toss – Back + Hold [BP], [BK]

 Achilles Strike – Forward + [BP], [BP], [FP]

 Special Moves


 Apollo’s Bow – Down, Forward, [BP]

 Head of Helios – Down, Back, [BP]

 Hermes Dash – Back, Foward, [BK]

(Hold [BK] to charge)

 Golden Fleece – Down, Back, [FP]

 Zeus’ Rage – Down, Forward, [FK]

 Enhanced Attacks


 (Requires one bar of Super)

 Apollo’s Inferno – Down, Forward, [BP] + Block

 Helios Flash – Down, Back, [BP] + Block

 Hermes Rush – Back, Foward, [BK] + Block

(Hold [BK] to charge)

 Argo’s Ram – Down, Back, [FP] + Block

 Revenge of Olympus – Down, Forward, [FK] + Block

 X-Ray Move


 (Requires full Super bar)

 Nemean Cestus  – Flip Stance + Block

 Finishing Moves


 Blade of Olympus – Down, Down, Back, Forward, [BP] (sw)

 Medusa’s Gaze – Down, Back, Down, Forward, [FP]

 Stage Fatality – Down, Down, Forward, [FK]

 Babality – Down, Forward, Back, [BP]



“For the Shaolin!”

Kung Lao’s ancestor was defeated by Goro 500 years ago in the pivotal match 

that saw Shang Tsung attain control of the Mortal Kombat tournament. To him 

this contest is about more than Earthrealm’s freedom. His life’s goal has been 

to slay Goro and win the tournament, thus restoring his family’s honor. After 

being defeated by Liu Kang in a qualifying bout, he disguised himself as one 

of Shang Tsung’s guards to gain admittance. Kung Lao believes he is ready for 

the challenge. The time to avenge his ancestor is at hand.

 Chops – Back + [FP]

 Hat Swipe – Forward + [BP]

 Rolling Thunder – Forward + [FK]

 Point Kick – Back + [FK]

 Hop Kick – Forward + [BK]

 Sweep – Back + [BK]

 Fast Tag


 Spinout – Down, Forward + [FP], Tag

 Tag Combos


 Yin Yang – [FP], [FP], [BP], Tag

 Swirling Dragon – [BP], [FP], [BP], [FP], [BP], Tag

 Double Yang – [BP], [BK], Tag



 Windy Palm – [FP], [FP], [BP], [FP]

 Healing Wind – Back + [FP], Forward + [FP]

 Chained Fist – [BP], [FP], [BP], [FP], [BP]

 Iron Broom – [BP], [BK], [BP] + [FP]

 Leg Bar – [BP], [BK], [FP] + [FK]

 Uprooting Stomp – [BP], [BK], [FP] + [FK], [FK]

 Plum Flower – [BP], [BK], [FP] + [FK], [FP]

 Lead The Way – Back + [FK], [FK], [FK]

 Special Moves


 Hat Toss – Back, Forward, [BP]

(Up and Down controlls hat movement)

 Ground Hat – Down, Back, [BP]

 Spin – Down, Forward, [FP]

 Dive Kick – Down + [BK]

(While in air)

 Teleport – Down, Up

 Enhanced Attacks


 (Requires one bar of Super)

 Ultimate Hat – Back, Forward, [BP] + Block

 Grinding Hat – Down, Back, [BP] + Block

(Hold [BP] to delay)

 Cyclone – Down, Forward, [FP] + Block

 Multi Kick – Down + [BK] + Block

(While in air)

 X-Ray Move


 (Requires full Super bar)

 Fist of Shaolin   – Flip Stance + Block

 Finishing Moves


 Hat Trick – Back, Forward, Forward, Back, [BP]

 Razor’s Edge – Down, Down, Forward, Back, [FP]

 Stage Fatality – Down, Forward, Down, [FK]

 Babality – Down, Forward, Down, [BP]



“Show me what you can do!”

Orphaned at a very young age, Liu Kang was raised by Shaolin monks, who taught 

him the way of the spiritual warrior. They soon recognized his potential as a 

contender for the Mortal Kombat tournament and rigorously trained him for this 

task. Raiden, too, understood that Liu Kang was Earthrealm’s best hope for 

freedom and introduced him to Master Bo’ Rai Cho to further his development. 

Once fully trained, Liu Kang bested all challengers and earned the high honor 

of representing the Shaolin in the Mortal Kombat tournament. He and Raiden then 

embarked on their fateful journey to Shang Tsung’s island to compete in this 

pivotal kontest.

 Uppercut – Down + [BP]

 Fierce Jab – Forward + [BP]

 Gut Strike – Back + [BP]

 Knee Bash – Forward + [BP]

 Shaolin Heel – Forward + [FK]

 Knee Kick – Back + [FK]

 Shin Kick – Forward + [BK]

 Sweep – Back + [BK]

 Dragon Stance – Down, Back, [BP]

Final Act – [FP]

Fist of Death – [BP]

Shaolin Flip – [FK]

Moon Sweep – [BK]

 Fast Tag


 Shaolin Spirit – Back + [FP], Back + [BP], Back + [FP], Tag

 Dragon’s Bite – Back + [FK], [FP], [BP], Tag

 Next Time – [FP], Tag

 Tag Combos


 Fist Swaps – [FP], [FP], Tag

 Friendly – Forward + [FP], [BP], Tag

 Step-In – Forward + [FP], Back + [BP], Tag

 Dragon Dance – [BP], Back + [FP], Tag

 Twin Lotus – [FK], [FK], Tag

 Harm-onious – Back + [FK], [FP], Tag



 Three Fists – [FP], [FP], [FP]

 Death Fist – [FP], [FP], [BP]

 Blasing Blasts – Back + [FP], [BP], [FP]

 Immortal Dragon – Back + [FP], Back + [BP], Back + [FP]

 Fierge Tiger – [BP], [FP], [FK]

 Showdown – Forward + [BP], [BK]

 Launching Fury – Back + [BP], Back + [FK]

 Backdown – Back + [FP], [BK]

 Lotus Flurry – [FK], [FK], [BK]

 Final Act – Back + [FK], [FP], [BP]

 Krusing Kombo – Forward + [BK], [FK]

 Special Moves


 High Fireball – Back, Forward, [FP]

(Can be done in air)

 Low Fireball – Back, Forward, [FK]

 Flying Dragon Kick – Back, Forward, [BP]

 Bicycle Kick – Back, Back, Forward, [BK]

 Parry – Down, Back, [FP]

 Enhanced Attacks


 (Requires one bar of Super)

 High Dragon Fire – Back, Forward, [FP] + Block

(Can be done in air)

 Low Dragon Fire – Back, Forward, [FK] + Block

 Flame Dragon Kick – Back, Forward, [BP] + Block

 Bicycle Steps – Back, Back, Forward, [BK] + Block

 Burning Parry – Down, Back, [FP] + Block

 X-Ray Move


 (Requires full Super bar)

 Chin-Up   – Flip Stance + Block

 Finishing Moves


 Fist of Flame – Forward, Back, Down, Down, [FK] (sw)

 The Beast Within – Down, Down, Forward, Down, [BK]

 Stage Fatality – Down, Forward, Back, [FK]

 Babality – Down, Down, Down, [BK]



“Let’s Dance!”

Shang Tsung has created many abominable creatures in his Flesh Pits, but none 

so twisted as Mileena. A fusion of Edenian flesh and Tarkatan blooDown, Mileena 

is both beauty and beast. This dichotomy has made her mind unstable; she is 

prone to fits of madness and savagery. Though she has the appearance of a 

mature woman, she is more child than adult–a blank slate conformed to 

Shao Kahn’s will. Devoid of conscience or remorse, Mileena will butcher 

anyone to appease her beloved father.

 Uppercut     – Down + [BP]

 Side Chop    – Back + Forward Punch 

 Leaping Sai – Back + [BP]

 Sai Impale   – Forward + [BP]

 Lunge Kick   – Forward + [FK]

 Sneaky Kick – Back + [FK]

 Splits       – Up + [BK]

 Sweep        – Back + [BK]  

 Fast Tag


 Malice      – Up + [BK], Tag

 Tag Combos


 Malevolence   – [FP], [FP], Tag

 Fiendish – [BP], [FK], Tag 




 Smacked Around – [FP], [FP], [BP]

 Boot Down       – Back + [BP], [BK]

 Bones           – [BP], [FK], [BK]

 Pretty Slasher – Forward + [FK], [FP] + [BP]

 Killer Heels    – [FK], [BK]

 Getaway Sticks – Back + [FK], Back + [BK]

 Friendly Kiss   – [BK], [BP]

 Special Moves


 Sai Blast        – Back, Forward, [FP]

   (Can be done in air)

 Teleport Drop    – Forward, Forward, [FK]

   (Can be done in air)

 Leaping Neckbite – Back, Forward, [BP]

 Ball Roll        – Back, Down, [BK]

 Enhanced Attacks


 (Requires one bar of Super)

 Sai Bursts       – Back, Forward, [FP] + Block

   (Can be done in air)

 Tricky Teleport – Forward, Forward, [FK] + Block

   (Can be done in air)

 Leaping Lunch    – Back, Forward, [BP] + Block

 Smashing Roll    – Back, Down, [BK] + Block

 X-Ray Move


 (Requires full Super bar)

 Femme Fatale – Flip Stance + Block

 Finishing Moves


 Be Mine       – Back, Forward, Back, Forward, [BP]

   (Mileena throws her sais at the opponent and buries them in their Torso.  

    She then caresses the opponent’s head before ripping it off and 

    bites into it)

 Rip Off – Back, Forward, Back, Down, [FK] Jump

 Stage fatality – Down, Down, Down, [FP]

 Babality – Down, Down, Forward, Back, [BP]



“Ancestors, give me strength!”

Nightwolf is one of few Earthrealm mortals with a strong connection to the 

spirit world. A powerful Native American shaman, he is guided by the empyrean 

forces and communes with divine beings such as Haokah, known to the East as 

Raiden. Nightwolf’s devotion allows the Spirits to work through him, granting 

him unnatural long life and ethereal weapons to kombat the darkness that 

threatens mortalkind. In the coming crisis, however, it is not Nightwolf’s 

arsenal that will alter fate. His faith in the Spirits will inspire those who 

have lost hope.

 Knife Stab – Back + [FP]

 Uppercut – Down + [BP]

 Big Chop – Back + [BP]

 Neck Stab – Forward + [BP]

 Toe Stomp – Forward + [FK]

 Sweep – Back + [BK]

 Fast Tag


 Waning Moon – Forward + [FK], [FP], [BP], Tag

 Rising Hawk – Down, Forward, [FP], Tag

 Diving Eagle – Down, Forward, [FP] + Block, Tag

(Uses one bar of Super)

 Tag Combos


 Razor’s Edge – [FP], [FP], Tag

 Falcon Swap – [BP], [FP], [FP], Tag

 Deadly Talon – [BP], [FK], Tag

 Howling Wolf – Back + [BP], [BP], Tag

 Bull and Bear – Forward + [FK], [FP], Tag



 Blade and Edge – [FP], [FP], [BP]

 Axe Blast – [FP], [BP], [BP], [FP]

 Dagger Stab – Back + [FP], [FP], [FP]

 Deadly Dance – [FP], [FP], [BK]

 New Earth – [BP], [FK], [BK]

 Tomahawk Smash – Back + [BP], [BP], [FP]

 Full Moon – Forward + [FK], [FP], [BP]

 Spirit Tracks – Forward + [FK], Back + [BK]

 Special Moves


 Shoulder – Forward, Forward, [BK]

 Lightning – Down, Back, [FK]

 Arrow Show – Down, Back, [FP]

 Reflect – Down, Back, [BP]

 Axe Swing – Down, Forward, [FP]

 Choke – Down, Forward, [BP]

 Enhanced Attacks


 (Requires one bar of Super)

 Power Charge – Forward, Forward, [BK] + Block

 Thunder Storm – Down, Back, [FK] + Block

 Multi-Arrow – Down, Back, [FP] + Block

 Absorb – Down, Back, [BP] + Block

 Tomahawk Bash – Down, Forward, [FP] + Block

 Strangle – Down, Forward, [BP] + Block

 X-Ray Move


 (Requires full Super bar)

 Ancestors Call  – Flip Stance + Block


 Finishing Moves


 Little Off The Top – Down, Forward, Down, Back, [BK]

 Ascension – Down, Down, Forward, Back, [FP]

 Stage Fatality – Down, Down, Down, Block

 Babality – Forward, Back, Forward, Back, [FP]



“Fear Me!”

Noob Saibot’s origins are unknown, but he is likely a revenant: a fallen 

warrior resurrected by the Netherrealm sorcerer Quan Chi to fulfill a dark 

objective. Noob has been assigned to aid Shao Kahn in his acquisition of 

Earthrealm. A faithful servant and a recent addition to the Brotherhood 

of Shadow, he will obey his master, Quan Chi, and complete his mission. But 

he is biding his time. Noob Saibot has a dark objective of his own.

 Saibot Strike – Back + [FP]

 Uppercut – Down + [BP]

 Hook Punch – Back + [BP]

 Point Kick – Forward + [FK]

 Snap Kick – Forward + [BK]

 Sweep – Back + [BK]

 Fast Tag


 Mysterious – Back + [FP], [BP], [FP], Tag

 Tag Combos


 Entangles – Back + [FP], [BP], Tag

 Warped Rush – [BP], [FP], Tag

 Tragic – Back + [FP], [BP], Tag

 The Shadow – Forward + [FK], [FK], Tag



 Saibot Blast – [BP], [FP]

 Sneaky Saibot – Back + [FP], [BP], Forward + [BK]

 Evil Twin – Back + [FP], [BP], [FP], Forward + [BK]

 Saibot Strike – Back + [FP], [BP], [FP], [BK]

 Assassinate – [BP], [FP], [BP]

 No Compassion – Back + [BP], [FP], [BK]

 Reincarnated – Forward + [FK], [FK], [FK]

 Possessed – Forward + [BK], [FK]

 Special Moves


 Ghostball – Down, Forward, [FP]

(Disables opponent’s Block)

 Blackhole(above) – Down, Back, [BP]

 Blackhole(behind) – Down, Forward, [BP]

 Blackhole(front) – Down, Forward, Back, [BP]

 Teleport slam – Down, Up

(Can be done in air)

 Shadow Charge – Down, Forward, [FK]

 Shadow Upknee – Down, Back, [FK]

 Shadow Slide – Back, Forward, [BK]

 Enhanced Attacks


 (Requires one bar of Super)

 Spiritball – Down, Forward, [FP] + Block

 Darkness(above) – Down, Back, [BP] + Block

 Darkness(behind) – Down, Forward, [BP] + Block

 Darkness(front) – Down, Forward, Back, [BP] + Block

 Teleport Smash – Down, Up + Block

(Can be done in air)

 Saibot Charge – Down, Forward, [FK] + Block

 Saibot Upknee – Down, Back, [FK] + Block

 Saibot Slide – Back, Forward, [BK] + Block

 X-Ray Move


 (Requires full Super bar)

 Together Again   – Flip Stance + Block

 Finishing Moves


 Make a Wish – Back, Forward, Back, Down + [BK]

 As One – Down, Down, Back, Down, Block

 Stage Fatality – Down, Forward, Back, [FK]

 Babality – Forward, Up, Forward, [FP]



“You will serve me in the Netherrealm!”

(NOTE: To unlock Quan Chi, complete chapter 16 in Story Mode)

The Netherrealm has produced many vile beings, but none rival the 

Arch-Sorcerer Quan Chi. In lieu of Netherrealm demons, he prefers to 

resurrect deceased warriors for use in his sinister plans. Foremost 

among them is the tortured Shirai Ryu ninja Scorpion, who is Quan Chi’s 

personal assassin. Quan Chi is building an army of such specters–the 

purpose of which has yet to be revealed. Another mystery is the 

sorcerer’s involvement in the Mortal Kombat tournament. The Netherrealm 

has no stake in its outcome, which leads some observers to question 

his presence….

 Back Hand – Back + [FP]

 Overhead Swipe – Forward + [FP]

 Uppercut – Down + [BP]

 Side Chop – Back + [BP]

 Low Hop Kick – Up + [FK]

 Shin Kick – Back + [FK]

 Hop Kick – Forward + [BK]

 Sweep – Back + [BK]

 Fast Tag


 Sinister – Back + [BP], [FP], Tag

 Die-Abolical – Back + [FK], [FP] + [BP], Tag

 Tag Combos


 Alternative Means – [FP], [FP], Tag

 Kruel Intentions – Forward + [FP], [BP], Tag

 Bad Omen – [BP], [FP], Tag



 Afterlife – [FP], [FP], [BP]

 Under Torment – [FP], [FP], [FK]

 Conjurer’s Crush – Back + [FP], [FP]

 Corruption – Forward + [FP], [BP], [BP], [FP]

 Spellbinder – [BP], [FP], [BP]

 Root Of Evil – [BP], [FP], [BK]

 Enchantment – [BP], [FP], Up + [FK]

 Wounded Wrath – Back + [BP], [FP]

 Incantation – Back + [BP], [BK]

 Deterioration – Back + [FK], [FK]

 Annihilation – Back + [FK], [BP] + [FP]

 Special Moves


 Skeletal Boot – Down, Back, [BK]

 Ground Burst

Close – Down, Back, [FP]

Medium – Down, Forward, [FP]

Far – Down, Back, Forward, [FP]

 Skull Ball – Down, Back, [BP]

 Sky Drop – Down, Back, [FK]

(Can be done in air)

 Trance – Back, Forward, [FK]

 Enhanced Attacks


 (Requires one bar of Super)

 Skeletal Buff – Down, Back, [BK] + Block

 Ground Blast

Close – Down, Back, [FP] + Block

Medium – Down, Forward, [FP] + Block

Far – Down, Back, Forward, [FP] + Block

 Skull Chomp – Down, Back, [BP] + Block

 Sky Stomp – Down, Back, [FK] + Block

(Can be done in air)

 Mesmerize – Back, Forward, [FK] + Block

 X-Ray Move


 (Requires full Super bar)

 Amulet Assault   – Flip Stance + Block

 Finishing Moves


 Beat Down – Forward, Forward, Down, Dow, [FP]

 On Your Knees – Down, Forward, Down, Forward, [BK]

 Stage Fatality – Back, Forward, [BP]

 Babality – Forward, Down, Back, [BP]



“Thunder take you!”

Raiden is the God of Thunder and Protector of Earthrealm. Ageless and 

wise beyond measure, he leads Earthrealm’s mortals in the endless battle 

against the forces of darkness. When Shao Kahn, Emperor of OutworlDown, 

threatened to merge his realm with Earthrealm, an overwhelmed Raiden 

implored the Elder Gods to give Earthrealm a fighting chance. Thus the 

Mortal Kombat tournament was created. For millennia Shao Kahn has been 

kept at bay, but nine consecutive losses to Goro have eroded hope that 

Earthrealm can be saved. Determined to prevent Armageddon, Raiden tirelessly 

quests to find a champion worthy of Mortal Kombat.

 Static Touch – Back + [BP]

 Gut Strike – Forward + [BP]

 Side Kick – Back + [FK]

 Spinning Kick – Forward + [FK]

 Heel Smash – Forward + [BK]

 Uppercut – Down + [BP]

 Sweep – Back + [BK]

 Fast Tag


 Distant Thunder – [FK], [FK], [BK], Tag

 Elder Fury – Back + [FK], [FP], [BP], Tag

 God Fist – Forward + [BP], [BK], Tag

 Tag Combos


 Godlike – [BP], [BP], Tag

 Supernatural – Back + [BP], Forward + [FP], Tag

 Divine Power – Forward + [BP], [FK], Tag



 Heavenly Hand – [FP], [BP], [FP], [BP]

 Sudden Energy – [BP], [BP], Forward + [FP]

 White Lightning – [BP], [BP], Back + [BK]

 Violent Thunder – Back + [BP], Forward + [FP], [BP] + [FP]

 Quick Burn – Forward + [BP], [BK]

 Flash Storm – Forward + [BP], [FK], [BP] + [FP]

 Spark Kicks – [FK], [FK], [BK]

 Thunder God – Back + [FK], [FP], [BP]

 Special Moves


 Lightning – Down, Back, [FP]

 Electrocute – Down, Forward, [BP]

 Electric Fly – Back, Forward, [FK]

(Can be done in air)

 Teleport – Down, Up

 Vicinity Blast – Down, Back, [BP]

 Enhanced Attacks


 (Requires one bar of Super)

 Bolt – Down, Back, [FP] + Block

 Shocker – Down, Forward, [BP] + Block

 Thunder Fly – Back, Forward, [FK] + Block

(Can be done in air)

 Sparkport – Down, Up + Block

 Vicinity Burst – Down, Back, [BP] + Block

 X-Ray Move


 (Requires full Super bar)

 Shock Therapy   – Flip Stance + Block

 Finishing Moves


 Just a Scratch – Down, Forward, Down, Forward, [FP]

 Transplant – Back, Forward, Forward, Down, [BK]

 Stage Fatality – Down, Down, Down, [BP]

 Babality – Down, Back, Down, [BK]



His home realm of Zaterra is gone, mysteriously destroyed ages ago. 

Reptile is the last known surviving member of his race. He has since 

made Outworld his home. Shao Kahn has made use of Reptile’s mastery of 

stealth to spy on suspected traitors and slay known enemies of the empire. 

But the knowledge that he is the last of his kind gnaws at Reptile. He 

would give anything, kill anyone, if it would bring his realm back from 

the abyss. Self-pity fuels his aggression as he inflicts suffering and 

death on others.

 Uppercut – Down + [BP]

 Reptile Smash – Forward + [BP]

 Low Swipe – Back + [FP]

 Hop Kick – Forward + [FK]

 Sweep – Back + [BK]

 Fast Tag


 Carnivorous – [FP], [BP], [BP], [FP], Tag

 Nocturnal – Forward + [BP], Back + [FP], Tag

 Aquatic – [FK], [BP], [FP], Tag

 Shredding Skin – Back, Forward, [BP] + Block, Tag

(Uses one bar of Super)

 Tag Combos


 Toxic – [FP], [BP], Tag

 Ravenous – [FP], [BP], [BP], Tag

 Anguish – [FK], [BP], Tag



 Cold Blooded – [FP], [BP], [BK]

 Carnivore Bash – [FP], [BP], [BP], [FP]

 Deadly Venom – [FP], [BP], Back + [FP]

 Just Hatched – [BP], Forward + [FK]

 Hybrid Blast – [BP], [BK] + [FK]

 Bybrid Crush – [BP], Forward + [FK], [BP] + [FP]

 Evolution – Forward + [BP], Back + [FP]

 Amphibian Charge – [FK], [BP], [FP]

 Slithered – [FK], [BP], Back + [BK]

 Swamp Strikes – Forward + [FK], [BP] + [FP]

 Special Moves


 Slow Force Ball – Back, Back, [FP]

 Fast Force Ball – Back, Back, [FK]

 Slide – Back, Forward, [BK]

 Acid Hand – Down, Back, [BP]

 Invisibility – Down, Up, [BK]

 Acid Spit – Down, Forward, [FP]

 Elbow Dash – Back, Forward, [BP]

 Enhanced Attacks


 (Requires one bar of Super)

 Slow Mega Ball – Back, Back, [FP] + Block

 Fast Mega Ball – Back, Back, [FK] + Block

 Slime Trail – Back, Forward, [BK] + Block

 Reptilian Hand – Down, Back, [BP] + Block

 Vanish – Down, Up, [BK] + Block

 Acid Stream – Down, Forward, [FP] + Block

 Reptilian Elbow – Back, Forward, [BP] + Block

 X-Ray Move


 (Requires full Super bar)

 Tricky Lizard – Flip Stance + Block

 Finishing Moves


 Acid Yak – Forward, Forward, Down, Up, [FK]

 Weight Loss – Down, Down, Forward, Back, [FP]

 Stage Fatality – Forward, Down, Down, Block

 Babality – Back, Forward, Back, Down, High Kick

 Klassic Fatality – Back, Back, Forward, Down, Block

Looking for more details? Check out the full Mortal Kombat fatality and babality list here.

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