Warners pumps in more money to a) give the movie a final spit and polish or b) get the FX up to scratch – delete as per your cynicism
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With less than two months to go, Warners has pumped an extra $9 million dollars into Green Lantern to spruce up the special FX, according to Variety (opens in new tab) .
However, the film company denies that it has any worries about the film. Chris De Faria, Warner’s executive VP of digital production, reckons: “There is no problem on Green Lantern . We try to add things to make the movie better until the 11th hour. That doesn’t mean we’re risking the movie up to the 11th hour.”
De Faria has also states that one sequence that was entirely CG had been cut in the development of the film, but after the studio saw an early cut of the film it was added back in and that FX company Pixomondo was hired to complete the scene.