Modern Warfare Livestock Easter egg: How to summon the satanic demon goats

Alright, this is a weird one. The Modern Warfare Livestock Easter egg involves summoning some demonic goats by killing stuffed toys strewn across the map. Easter eggs in the Call of Duty Modern Warfare (opens in new tab) multiplayer have become more common as of late with both the Modern Warfare Trench Easter egg (opens in new tab) and Modern Warfare Cheshire Park Easter egg (opens in new tab), but this one takes it to a whole new level. Here’s  all you need to know about how to summon the demon goats in the Modern Warfare Livestock Easter egg.

1. Shoot the four pairs of animals

Modern Warfare Livestock Easter egg animal locations

(Image credit: Activision)

The first step you need to complete is to shoot eight stuffed animals in total. There are four pairs, and you need to destroy the pairs at the exact same time. This means that while you can complete it solo in a private match, you’ll need to use C4 to get rid of them. Otherwise, grab a friend and make sure you’re shooting them simultaneously.

The map above shows the eight locations, but below are screenshots of each individual animal, because some are very tricky to spot if you don’t know what you’re looking for.

Elephant locations (Red)

Modern Warfare Livestock Easter egg

(Image credit: Activision)

The first elephant is in the top-left corner of the map, hiding inside the hay.

Modern Warfare Livestock Easter egg

(Image credit: Activision)

Elephant number two is harder to spot. Go upstairs inside the barn, then stand on the window ledge at the back. Look to your right and you’ll see it shrouded in darkness.

Duck locations (Green)

Modern Warfare Livestock Easter egg

(Image credit: Activision)

Duck number one is below the aforementioned window ledge. Look past the block of hay into an inaccessible room and the duck is at the back.

Modern Warfare Livestock Easter egg

(Image credit: Activision)

Go outside for the other duck, you’ll find it behind a rusted gate on the left-hand side of the map.

Plaid teddy bear (Blue)

Modern Warfare Livestock Easter egg

(Image credit: Activision)

The first teddy bear decked out in plaid is at the bottom of the map, laying in the grass next to the wooden fence. 

Modern Warfare Livestock Easter egg

(Image credit: Activision)

The other plaid teddy is inside the barn, on the other side of the wall from where you shot the duck behind the gate.

Bow teddy bear (Yellow)

Modern Warfare Livestock Easter egg

(Image credit: Activision)

Head to the top-right hand part of the map for the first teddy bear with a bow, in the grass through the ajar gate.

Modern Warfare Livestock Easter egg

(Image credit: Activision)

The other is at the bottom of the stables section, on the floor behind the final gate. Go prone to spot it.

2. Destroy the new teddy bears

Modern Warfare Livestock Easter egg

(Image credit: Activision)

Once all four pairs of animals are obliterated, go inside the barn. In the very middle, on the floor, should be two more teddy bears. Destroy these at the same time with some C4 and voila! Easter egg complete. Stop reading here if you want the final section to be a surprise, otherwise keep reading.

3. Watch the demon goats

Modern Warfare Livestock Easter egg:

(Image credit: Activision)

Four demon goats will slowly jolt towards the satanic symbol that has appeared on the floor, before your screen fades to black and you die. Yeah, it’s pretty damn weird. If you manage to pull this off in a public match, we’re not entirely sure what happens, but let us know if you find out!

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