Merlin: Teasing Picture Clues To Something Magical Happening

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The Official Merlin Twitter feed posted the picture above today, along with the cryptic message: “Something MAGICAL is unfolding in the world of Camelot in 5 days – what do you think it could be?”

Hmm, we reckon it’s a dragon… Possibly Aithusa.

But some clever net-detectives over at Merlin-Network have discovered four more pictures – presumably set to be Tweeted one a day over the next four days – on the Merlin account :

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So, is it a Merlin cartoon series? An app? An online game? A comic? We’ll know in five days.

And don’t forget, we have some teasery images from Misfits series 4 too…

And while we’re on the subject of Merlin , here’s something we completely missed that was posted in March, but we figure if we missed it you probably did too, and honestly, it’s too good to miss.

Behind the scenes (opens in new tab) from The Lady Magazine (opens in new tab) on Vimeo (opens in new tab) .

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