Joss Whedon has weighed in on the debate surrounding the forthcoming Star Wars: Episode VII , suggesting that he’d do things differently.
More specifically, Whedon has given his opinion on the imminent return of original stars Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill, suggesting they should be left in the first trilogy.
“You know, I wouldn’t go back, I’d go forward,” Whedon told Digital Spy (opens in new tab) . “I would want to create characters that would resonate the way that they did. I mean not that I don’t want to see [ the new movies ], I would be excited to, but I also feel like I would want to explore a very different part of that universe.”
He was then confronted with the proposed notion of a Han Solo spin-off featuring a younger version of the character, and sounded equally unenthused.
“That I would never want to do,” remarked Whedon. “Some things may not be rebooted.” Star Wars: Episode VII will arrive in the UK in 2015.