Jonathan Levine will helm book adap Legend

Jonathan Levine

The Wackness director Jonathan Levine has signed on to helm book adaptation Legend .

Backed by CBS Films and Twilight producers Marty Bowen and Wyck Godfrey, Legend is a proposed trilogy of books by Marie Lu.

Though the first book in the series doesn’t hit shelves until November, Bowen and Godfrey pre-emptively bought the rights to the series in February.

Set in a dark future, Legend finds North America split into two warring nations. The plot follows two 15 year olds – one a boy criminal, the other the girl prodigy who’s hired to hunt him down.

When they finally meet one another, the pair stumble upon a truth that will, you got it, become legend.

As well as Legend , Levine is also prepping another book adap with zombie film Warm Bodies , which is set to star Nicholas Hoult. Meanwhile 50/50 , starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen, opens Stateside in September.

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