J.K. Rowling claims Ron and Hermione relationship “could work”

J.K. Rowling has softened her stance on the relationship between Ron and Hermione in the Harry Potter series, conceding that the pairing “could work”.

Rowling had previously made waves by describing the relationship as “wish fulfilment” , arguing that Hermione and Harry would have been the more plausible pairing.

However, the emergence of the full transcript of the interview from which those quotes were taken reveals that Rowling’s take on the couple is slightly less damning than first thought.

“They’ll probably be fine,” said Rowling. “He needs to work on his self-esteem issues and she needs to work on being a little less critical.”

“Just like her creator, she has a real weakness for a funny man. These uptight girls, they do like them funny… It’s such a relief from being so intense yourself.”

Let’s hope that smooths things over with the online fandom. Those Weasley loyalists can turn nasty when riled…

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