Hailee Steinfeld could be new Sleeping Beauty

hailee steinfeld

Hailee Steinfeld isn’t going anywhere – but up, that is. Fresh from her True Grit Oscar nomination, she’s up for the lead role in a new Sleeping Beauty movie.

While it seems to be a trend in Hollywood at the moment to update fairytales (we have Tim Burton’s phenomenally successful Alice In Wonderland to thank for that), this one sounds like anything but a snore.

Scripted by Lindsay Devlin, it follows the story we all know from Aurora’s point of view, as she fights to get herself out of a nightmarish dream world.

The script is currently out to buyers, with Steinfeld attached. Time will tell if any studio takes the bait, but with Steinfeld a hot property right now, they’d be stupid not to.

Other fairytale updates on the go include two Snow White projects (one starring Kristen Stewart, the other Julia Roberts), Jeremy Renner’s Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters , and various Wizard Of Oz and Peter Pan projects.

Expect half of them to end up in the bargain bucket at Blockbuster.

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