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Grand Theft Auto III Full Access Playthrough

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It’s not uncommon to pick up an old game and be amazed by how poorly it holds up. It can also be crushing to find that the games you have such fond memories of… sort of suck nowadays. This was our fear when it came to Grand Theft Auto III, a game that’s celebrating its 10th birthday today, on Oct. 22, 2011. In order to make sure it still plays as well as we remember, Hollander Cooper, Henry Gilbert, Mikel Reparaz, and Charlie Barratt blew the dust off an old copy of the game, threw it in, and started doing some missions.

“Started” being the key word….

We actually ended up killing cops and having sex with prostitutes. We wanted, so badly, to just play the game as it was meant to be played, but after like four minutes we started typing in codes and slaughtering people. Happy birthday, Grand Theft Auto III!

About Fox

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