Double Dragon Neon: WayForwards reboot shows the 80s never ended

The granddaddy of side-scrolling brawlers has headed down the thrift-store, picked out some garish hypercolor threads, and is ready for another stroll through town, kicking and punching anyone who gets in his way. Double Dragon Neon, a revival of Technos’ 1987 tribute to fisticuffs and sibling rivalry, will be coming to PSN and XBLA this summer, publisher Majesco has confirmed (via IGN (opens in new tab)).

Whereas reboots of its contemporaries have chosen to move with the times (think Metal Gear Solid or Street Fighter), Neon looks to celebrate its birth in the golden years of Van Halen, Ronald Reagan, ninjas and skyrocketing urban crimerates. The colors are loud, the snares are gated, and the inner-city youth are skipping class and packing switchblades. Developer WayForward Technologies has previously performed similar don’t-call-it-a-reboot duties for franchises including A Boy and his Blob, Centipede, Bloodrayne and Contra, as well as its current work on Silent Hill: Book of Memories.

Double Dragon Neon is headed for XBLA and PSN this July. Smoky, greasy arcade cabinets and dodgy strangers watching over your shoulder will cost extra (but should be listed as mandatory). For a taste of what the game’ll be striving to live up to, here’s our loving remembrance of the Game Music of the Day: Double Dragon (opens in new tab). Game music of every day, more like.

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