It’s an exciting time to be one of the Destiny faithful. With Destiny 2‘s Forsaken on the horizon – promising big changes to the world and weapons – Bungie has dropped some hot community stats, including that Destiny 2 players have collectively spent a quarter of a century just deleting shaders. 807, 635, 214 of them, just in the 77 days of season 3 of Destiny 2.
Other notable numbers include the revelation that 194,051 player ave already snagged Whisper of the Worm, but only 8,750 have Redrix’s Claymore.
Bungie also dropped a teaser for its “Year Two Combat Reveal Stream,” and it has got the eagle-eyed experts all flustered. Check it out and notice that in the teaser a Guardian has a Better Devils hand cannon, the IKELOS shotgun from Warmind’s Escalation Protocol, and the newly-added Whisper of the Worm sniper rifle all equipped. That’s not possible now, so it means the latest update – due out a week before Forsaken – will make major changes to loadouts.
The teaser also seems to confirm, via three headshots from the Better Devils, that time-to-kill for PvP is coming down too. Bungie’s talked about it before, but it’s exciting to see it finally in action.
Bungie also promises more information on “the new user interface you’ll employ to choose your weapon and modify it,” and a look at the new Crucible map to debut in Season 4.
Destiny 2’s Whisper of the Worm Exotic sniper rifle is one if the best guns in the game, with one of the best quests in Destiny history. Here’s how to get it.