Benicio Del Toro talks Guardians Of The Galaxy

Benicio Del Toro is one of the biggest names in Guardians Of The Galaxy ’s pleasingly eclectic cast, but the star has been busily doing his comic-book homework like a bright-eyed rookie…

“When someone calls you and says ‘I need you in my movie,’ it’s exciting,” he says. “I like comic-book movies, and it’s totally new for me. My character is The Collector. I’ve never heard of him so I just started [ to research ] about him…”

However, while Del Toro might have done some reading around the subject, he goes on to say that his character’s motivation is occasionally kept a mystery even to him!

“For example, they told you ‘Now you have to go in this restaurant and kill this person,’” says Del Toro. “And then you ask: ‘Who? The blue haired girl, or the guy with the wig?’ And you don’t get the answer.”

“And suddenly, you heard ‘Action!’ And you have to go along: so you shoot everywhere and they’ll find a solution for the final cut.”

Sounds like The Collector will be showing off his violent side, doesn’t it? Directed by James Gunn and co-starring Chris Pratt, Glenn Close and Zoe Saldana, Guardians Of The Galaxy will open in the UK on 1 August 2014.

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