Clash Of The Titans and Tamara Drewe star Luke Evans has joined Peter Jackson’s currently shooting adaptation of The Hobbit .
Evans will play Bard the Grim (otherwise known as Bard the Bowman), a skilled archer and the son of a king. He single-handedly takes on dragon Smaug.
Speaking of Smaug, the colossal winged beast has also been cast – sort of. Benedict Cumberbatch has signed on to voice the dragon, confirming long-whispered rumours about the Sherlock star’s involvement.
Cumberbatch will reportedly play Smaug using motion capture. Proving his versatility, he’ll also be providing the voice of Necromancer.
Next up for Evans are Immortals and The Three Musketeers . Meanwhile, Cumberbatch has roles in War Horse and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy .
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Part 1) opens December 2012.