Wednesday Link-A-Mania

Game Of Thrones , Guardians Of The Galaxy , Doctor Who , Joe Hill’s Horns and Vertigo are all hitting the news today!

Variety confirms Game of Thrones has, unsurprisingly, been renewed for two more seasons. The return of the series to HBO on Sunday attracted the largest audience to the channel since The Sopranos finale back in 2007. DB Weiss, show co-creator, mentioned in last month’s Vanity Fair that he hopes the show will run its course over a total of seven or eight seasons – which means we are almost half way through. George RR Martin better hurry up and pen the final two books!

• Marvel has released an all-new clip via MTV of up and coming film, Guardians of the Galaxy . The clip extends the original trailer and reveals how Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) escapes his predicament… Nathan Fillion has also teased a possible role in the blockbuster, set to be released this summer. Fillion is no stranger to Guardians director James Gunn (they worked together on Slither and Super ) and at a Firefly panel at St Louis Comic Con answered an excited fan’s question whether he was wanting to be in Guardians with a cryptic “Wanting to? Or maybe, did?” It may just be a cheeky rumour spread by the actor, but cross your fingers and check the credits!

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• The film adaptation of Joe Hill’s Horns has received a UK release date. The dark fantasy thriller will star Daniel Radcliffe and is set for release this Halloween in the UK. source: Nerdist )

• According to Yahoo! Doctor Who has been approved for viewing in North Korea – bizarrely on the country’s highly censored, state-controlled TV channel. Perhaps dickie-bows are set to be the next Korean fashion trend?

• David Goyer is to produce a big screen adaptation of Vertigo’s Federal Bureau of Physics . The scribe of Man of Steel and the Dark Knight trilogy has teamed up with Warner Bros and Jungle Book writer, Justin Marks to bring the comic book series to life. The comic series by Simon Oliver and Robbi Rodriguez brings us a world where the laws of physics are so commonly disturbed that a wormhole is as routine as a sudden shower. Sounds like a good basis for sci-fi adventure! (source: Deadline )

Alice Pattillo

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Win a Blu-ray of Okja

Nowadays South Korean director Bong Joon-Ho is best-known for the Oscar-winning Parasite, but his 2017 …

Wednesday Link-A-Mania

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Remember on Monday we mentioned Bethesda’s plans for a Skyrim DLC reveal? Well, reveal it they have. An atmospheric image has gone up on Bethesda Blog, accompanied by the name: Dawnguard. They also say “Coming this summer to Xbox 360”, and confirmed on Twitter that the first content drops will be exclusively available on 360 before anywhere else. Sadly it looks like this is all we get until 5 June at E3.

(Via Bethesda )


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Universal has decided to resurrect vampire-staking hero Van Helsing despite his last outing taking a beating from critics and fans alike. But which dashing figure is slated to play the legendary monster hunter? Why, it’s none other than Tom Cruise, who is also on board to produce. The venture will be the first for Fringe creators Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci under a new deal with Universal, and they’re due to bring back The Mummy as well.

(Via Variety )

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To celebrate the release of Avengers Assemble , Marvel comics has been releasing special variant covers based on historical works of art, across its comic lines. Supremely talented Marvel artists have aped the style of some of history’s greats to create beautiful, cool and funny covers featuring Earth’s mightiest heroes. Beautiful.

(Via Comics Alliance )


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Hollywood superlawyer Skip Brittenham (who counts Eddie Murphy and Harrison Ford among his clients) has announced his intention to write a graphic novel called Anomaly . Teaming up with artist Brian Haberlin, it will tell the tale of human explorers arriving on a planet only to be drawn into a conflict, and appear as a hardcover and a tablet app in October.

(Via Hollywood Reporter )

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Microsoft is planning to spend big on a Halo live-action web series, due to air before Halo 4 ’s release in November. Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn will be available on Machinima and Halo Waypoint, and will follow a young UNSC cadet inspired by Master Chief to rise though the ranks. The series will play out over five 15-minute instalments, and should whip fans into a frenzy ready for the game launch.

(Via Variety )


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Guillermo del Toro’s production company Necropia Entertainment is teaming up with Angry Films to shoot The Bloody Benders . The script is based on the true story of a family-run hotel on the Kansas prairie, where up to 20 guests disappeared. Del Toro told Deadline he suspects Angry Films will want to hire a director and move quickly, while he is still working on post-production for alien invasion flick Pacific Rim .

(Via Deadline )

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Hollywood Reporter has heard that Vik Sahay, of Chuck and American Reunion , has joined the cast of horror movie Wer . The story follows an investigation into the brutal killing of a Parisian family, with Sahay playing a member of the legal team who discover their client, the suspect, is a werewolf.

(Via Hollywood Reporter )


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We’re sad to report the death of Joel Goldsmith, the composer on all three Stargate TV series. Goldsmith passed away on 29 April at the age of 54. His adaptation of the original Stargate film’s theme was used for SG-1 , and he also created the Emmy-nominated theme for Stargate Atlantis .

(Via Gateworld )

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Win a Blu-ray of Okja

Nowadays South Korean director Bong Joon-Ho is best-known for the Oscar-winning Parasite, but his 2017 …

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