Tag Archives: Genesis

13 video game secrets that were almost never found

Everyone loves a good video game secret. Developers love to hide them in places players would never think to look, and players love exploring every nook and cranny of their favorite games hunting them down. But this being the age of the internet, streaming, and constant dissection and discussion, most …

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That Console Feeling: What defines console gaming in 2015?

For the old school console fan, 2015 is a paradise of fresh delights. Axiom Verge oozes that classic console feeling when it starts up on PlayStation 4. The grinding wub-wub-wub of the distortion field weapon and its glitchy effects warping the blocky environment seem like they were lifted right out …

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Why I Love: Cheesing games

If you pay close attention in Bloodborne, you learn that a werewolf’s ultimate weakness isn’t quicksilver or wolfsbane – it’s doors. Specifically, it’s doorframes that are too big for their hulking bodies to fit through. You can stand on the other side and comfortably hack them to death without any …

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8 unlicensed sports games that didnt play by the rules

Who needs brand loyalty? Games can be a welcome escape, one where we steal cars, fly through space, or become anime lawyers. Yet so many licensed sports games force you to play football, baseball, and soccer the way the NFL, MLB, and FIFA want. Those simulations have their place, but …

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Your A to Z guide to the 90s raddest gaming mascots

Way past cool. Trying to describe radness feels like describing color to the blind. It cannot be taught, it must be experienced. Just look at Mullet Jr. up there. What words exist to describe his state of being? If forced to give an answer on the nature of radness, I’d …

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