Suda51s Black Knight Sword has new screenshots and trailer

Not content to dose the water supplies of modern genres with hallucinogens and performance-enhancing stimulants, Grasshopper’s Suda51 is turning his hand to old-time games where you only have two dimensions to move within and both of them are bastard hard. Black Knight Sword promises “A throwback to the classic platformers for the 8 and 16-bit era of games,” offering “a fresh, modern and interactive interpretation of a dark fantasy fairy tale” of chivalry, nightmares and “eye-catching environments full of curious-looking creatures.” The trailer manages to go almost 30 seconds before confusion sets in.

Luckily, a few screenshots make things a little clearer, demonstrating a reticulated 2D look that may intend to evoke shadow-puppet theater, or might just be done like Paper Mario or Symphony of the Night. Either way, looks kind of like the side-on shooter sequences from the Suda-produced Shadows of the Damned, no?

The game has no release date yet, but will join the ranks of spruced-up 2D platformers on XBLA and PSN when it’s done.

Aug 22, 2011

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