Take a look at Sonic Generations first DLC

Sega has begun releasing downloadable content for Sonic Generations, with Andriasang previewing the first batch of bonus content newly available for Japanese players. Included are the Spinball-style bonus stage some of you will have picked up as a pre-order bonus, and some animal costumes to sort your XBLA friends into “angry Internet nerds” and “cuddly Internet hipsters and/or furries.”

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You most likely knew Casino Night Zone was coming: the level was a pre-order bonus for GameStop customers. The Sonic 2 stage has been reinvented for Generations in the style of Genesis spinoff Sonic Spinball, which would have been a pretty great game if it had cost somewhere around $5. Japanese players are paying 320 MSP for the stage, which means it’ll probably run you $4 when it comes to America, which technically makes it a pretty great value.

Above: We’re so scared right now

Also available are avatar costumes that will make your XBLA avatar look pretty darling. Slap some thick glasses and badges for a couple of indie bands on that Amy Rose outfit and boom, instant hipster chick. Of course, it also comes with a furry hedgehog cowl, as do the Sonic and Super Sonic varieties – which, if you’re that terrified of people thinking you might be a fur-fetishist, could put you off paying 240 MSP for it. But it shouldn’t, because they’re delightful.

Finally, there are themes for XBLA and PlayStation 3, which are commanding prices of 240 MSP and ¥200 ($US2.50) a piece. These all ought to hit Western consoles soon, so start saving up your real money for digital goodies!

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