At a special fan gathering at the San Diego Comic Con this weekend,Sega (opens in new tab)treated fans to a rather exciting announcement regarding the Sonic series. Sonic Adventure 2, one of the last great 3D Sonic games will be getting the HD treatment in a re-release for XBLA and PSN.
Sonic Adventure 2 was a notable entry in that it was the last Sonic game for the Dreamcast, and also because it introduced Shadow the Hedgehog. Which was the beginning of a new-character trend that would eventually drastically expand the cast of characters beyond Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails.
Previously, Sonic Adventure 2 has been ported to the Nintendo Gamecube in 2002 as Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. Sega has not yet announced a release date, but has said that it will be coming later this year. They also have said that it will include HD-ified graphics, leaderboards, and support for achievements and trophies.
The list of games we still want to see ported (opens in new tab) from the Dreamcast and Sega Saturn (opens in new tab) is growing smaller by the month, but we’ve still got quite a few on our list. Let’s hope we’ll get more of these types of announcements in the future.