Peter Capaldi’s Doctor Who fanzine article .
We hope Peter Capaldi is prepared for anything his Doctor Who -mad teenage self wrote about the series to hit the internet, because it looks like his 1973 letter to the Radio Times is only the tip of the iceberg.
For starters, here’s a scan of an article he wrote in 1976, for issue two of the Doctor Who International Fan Club’s DWIFC magazine.
Source: (Update: a better quality scan can be found here )
It’s an appreciation of designer Bernard Lodge’s “time tunnel” title sequences for the Third and Fourth Doctors. We reckon Capaldi was probably 17 when this was written.
(opens in new tab)
This makes several of the SFX team feel a darn sight better about wasting their teenage years doing this kind of thing, instead of hanging around on street corners drinking white cider.
One of us! One of us!
Read what Peter Capaldi told SFX about his love of the series (scroll halfway down).
Read how Peter Capaldi wanted to run the Official Doctor Who Fan Club .
See Peter Capaldi rocking a bow-tie in a 1981 photo of his post-punk band.