A new Infamous game could be revealed this week, according to a rumor from a leaker with form when it comes to series developer Sucker Punch.
XboxEra co-founder @Shpeshal_Nick (opens in new tab) took to Twitter yesterday (September 5) to say that although he couldn’t get it confirmed: “There’s a chance that we could see Infamous make a return at Sony’s showcase,” referring to the PlayStation showcase that’s due to take place later this week.
Ok. Please take this one with a grain of salt because it’s one of the things I couldn’t get confirmed. But because I like the series I’m hoping it’s true. But there’s a chance we could see Infamous make a return at Sony’s showcase. Fingers crossed.September 5, 2021
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Now, even though this rumor isn’t exactly ironclad – even the tweet says to take it with a grain of salt – @Shpeshal_Nick has good previous with Sucker Punch leaks. Earlier this year, he tweeted out details (opens in new tab) of what would become Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut. While certain things about this leak weren’t exactly accurate – for instance, Iki Island wasn’t a standalone game – a lot did line up with what eventually came out earlier the summer.
The other reason why this rumor has gained a little traction is that it’s been noted by a few accounts (opens in new tab) that Sony had renewed the Infamous webpage domain last year. While this is almost certainly a way for PlayStation to make sure no-one else is going to nick the domain, it’s at least a sign that Sony hasn’t forgotten about Sucker Punch’s open-world series.
It’s been a long time since we’ve seen anything in the Infamous universe, with the last entry in the franchise being spin-off Infamous: First Light way back in 2014. Of course, since then, developer Sucker Punch hasn’t abandoned open-world gaming, with last year’s Ghost of Tsushima proving the studio hasn’t lost its touch when it comes to giving us gorgeous open worlds to play in.
Still, with the PlayStation showcase set to take place on Thursday, we won’t have to wait too long to see if this rumor has legs.
For more on Sucker Punch’s latest, check out the recent changes made to Ghost of Tsushima’s foxes.