It still feels a little odd to imagine a Mortal Kombat game on Switch, but that’s by no means a complaint. The brutal fighting game franchise that’s launched many an aggressive letter writing campaign (and started more than its share of real life arcade fist fights) feels oddly at home on a console that you can take with you on trains, planes, and automobiles. Mortal Kombat 11 (opens in new tab) is by all accounts a return to form for Ed Boon’s brainchild, a game our reviewer called a fun, melodramatic story from start to finish.
While you usually have to wait at least a week or two to see triple-A games at significant discounts, you can grab Mortal Kombat 11 right now for $10 off at Amazon (opens in new tab), just days after release (and if the Switch isn’t your thing, the PS4 and Xbox One versions are also on sale). While this isn’t uncommon for games that get absolutely review bombed on launch day or that suffered from a brutal dearth of pre-orders, MK11 has been reviewing quite well, racking up a very respectable 83% on Metacritic (opens in new tab). Grabbing it for 17% feels like a steal, and makes sure you’ll have plenty of time to get good before obsessed preteens make playing online a gruesome exercise in frustration (and not just because of all the gory Fatal Blows and finishers).
Mortal Kombat 11 is $49.94 at Amazon (save $10.05) (opens in new tab)
A great price on one of the best fighting games of the past couple years, with one of the best stories in franchise history.
While Mortal Kombat X was a bit of a stumbling block after the excellent Mortal Kombat 9 showed us what was possible in fighting game story modes, Mortal Kombat 11 appears to be a return to the glory days of the most visceral fighting game around, paired with all the lessons of the modern genre. With a host of fun characters and a time-travelling romp as the central narrative, Mortal Kombat 11 is the quintessential kombo of camp and violence. If you were on the fence about picking this one up, getting $10 off is a great incentive.
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