Moon Knight has entered the realms of Fortnite as its latest Marvel crossover star.
Just earlier today on April 21, the official Fortnite Twitter account announced that Marvel’s latest TV star was debuting in the battle royale game with immediate effect. Moon Knight can now be purchased directly through the Fortnite item store for the grand total of 1,500 V-Bucks.
Steven…No, Marc…No…Moon Knight is now in the Item Shop! 21, 2022
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As standard, you can kit Moon Knight out in his sweeping cape and hooded cloak, taking on his appearance when he’s dashing around the rooftops of London. You can also switch over to the Mr. Knight get up, which viewers of Moon Knight will recognize as Oscar Isaac’s slightly more stylish outfit.
By purchasing the Moon Knight set, you’ll bag both those outfits, as well as the Crescent Darts, Moon Knight’s crescent moon-shaped blades, for use as harvesting tools. So you’ll be going around Fortnite’s battle royale island in either a cloak or suit, swinging around two blades to cut down anything standing in your way.
Meanwhile, Moon Knight rolls on on Disney Plus, and it turns out that the show’s end credits are subtly changing with each episode, as Steven uncovers more about Marc and his other personalities. Elsewhere, the Moon Knight episode that debuted on Disney Plus earlier this week practically confirmed a massive fan theory that’s been doing the rounds for weeks.
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