Matthew Vaughn adapting Mark Millars Superior comic

Director Matthew Vaughn has bought the rights to Mark Millar’s comic book Superior , about the first superhero ever to be diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

“Basically, my Kick-Ass director Matthew Vaughn has bought the movie rights to Superior from me and Leinil Yu. And Leinil and I am also teaming up with the MS Society, who want to use the character as it’s the first superhero with multiple sclerosis,” Millar told Comic Book Movie News.

“Vaughn and I have hinted at this for about 18 months but this is the first time we’ve ever confirmed he’s bought the rights.”

Superior follows the tale of a young boy living with multiple sclerosis who is granted a magic wish and transformed into his favourite big screen action hero.

Instead of fighting crime, he uses his abilities to end the war in the Middle East, feed the starving, rescue people from natural disasters and anything else the public wants.

Kick-Ass and X-Men: First Class director Vaughn plans to share the film with the National MS Society to increase awareness about the disease.

“I wanted to write about a superhero with a disability and I chose MS because it’s something that touched one of my school-friends growing up. I’m acutely aware of the unexpected way the disease can strike anyone and the enormous difficulties it can cause,” Millar added.

“Superhero stories are essentially wish-fulfilment fantasies and nothing seemed more powerful to me than a little boy with a magic wish not only wanting to walk again, but to fly.”

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