John Romeros studio starts Old School Role-Playing Game Kickstarter

Fans of big dungeons, customizable adventuring parties, and countless quests have a new Kickstarter to check out. Old School Role-Playing Game from Loot Drop will combine the efforts of Wizardry designer Brenda Brathwaite and Anachronox producer Tom Hall into one big classics-inspired PC RPG if enough fans offer up their dough. (John Romero will probably help, too, since he’s engaged to Brathwaite and co-founded the studio with Hall.)

The game will feature many classic RPG trappings, including a full complement of character stats, turn-based combat, and multiple races co-existing in one tumultuous fantasy world. Its funding goal is set at $1 million, with more than $100,000 pledged as of this writing. If the pledges surpass $1.9 million by the Kickstarter campaign’s conclusion on November 4, both Brathwaite and Hall will produce their own interlocking RPGs instead of just the single project.

The Kickstarter boasts support from a dozen external developers, including Double Fine founder Tim Schafer, Minecraft creator Markus “Notch” Persson, and World of Warcraft lead designer Rob Pardo.

Old School Role-Playing Game is not the first old school role-playing game by genre veterans to vie for Kickstarter backing, as both Wasteland 2 and Project Eternity found significant success in scooping up pledges within the last year.

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