Introducing Total Films Shiny New YouTube Channel

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Say hello to your brand new Total Film YouTube (opens in new tab) channel.

Over the last few months, we’ve been sourcing more exclusives and creating more original video content than ever before, and with our YouTube subscriber number now nudging over 10k (hoorah!), there’s no better time to sign up to our all-new, all-improved YouTube channel.

Not only will you get interviews with some of the hottest stars on the planet (talking about everything from wanting to star in Star Wars: Episode VII to career retrospectives, and exclusive commentaries to some of your favourite movies), but you’ll get regular doses of Total Film spoiler-casts (where we discuss the ups and downs of the year’s biggest blockbusters), behind-the-scenes set tours, and a host of exclusive movie clips, featurettes and much more.

You can check out some of the highlights below, head over to the channel direct (opens in new tab) , or subscribe by clicking the button below.

And if you like what you see there, then feel free to Like and Follow us over at our Google+ , Facebook (opens in new tab) , Twitter (opens in new tab) and Tumblr pages.

And this is only the beginning – keep your eyes peeled for a host of exciting new videos coming your way very, very soon…

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