HOT TOPIC We Want Your Thoughts On The Day Of The Doctor

Let us know what you think about Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary episode, and your comments could live forever in a future issue of SFX

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SFX ’s letters pages feature a regular section called Hot Topic , where we invite you to comment on the burning sci-fi and fantasy issues of the day.

This month: we want to know your thoughts on “The Day Of The Doctor”. Did it live up to the show’s 50 year legacy? What did it get right and what did it get wrong? Where would you like to see Doctor Who go next?

You can email us at , tweet us @sfxmagazine , using the hashtag #sfxhottopic, join us on Facebook or, if the Royal Mail’s more your thing, send an actual physical letter to SFX , Future Publishing, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath, BA1 2BW, UK.

We’ll print the best responses in SFX 244 – immortality awaits for those lucky enough to be chosen.

Not watched “ The Day Of The Doctor” yet (what are you waiting for) ? Then feel free to let us know what you think about Misfits , An Adventure In Space And Time, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire or anything else that’s piqued your interest lately!

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