Hillary Clinton plays Game Boy in this 1993 photo

You already know that Hillary Clinton is a candidate for the 2016 U.S. presidential election, a former Secretary of State, and a serious texter (opens in new tab). But apparently she was using handheld electronics to kill time on airplane rides long before she got her BlackBerry.

April 6, 1993: Hillary Rodham Clinton plays a Nintendo “Game Boy” electronic game on her flight from Austin, Texas to Washington, DC. Photographed by Ralph Alswang. #NARA #Nintendo #GameBoy #Videogames #ClintonCenter #ClintonLibrary #PresidentialLibraries #HRC #FirstLady (opens in new tab)

A photo posted by @wjclibrary42 on Apr 20, 2015 at 7:47am PDT

That’s Hillary Clinton tapping away on an original Game Boy, in this photo published on the William J. Clinton Presidential Library’s Instagram. Not pictured: Bill Clinton calls a Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting to determine whether there is, in fact, a cheat code to see Sonya Blade naked.

The then-First-Lady looks like she’s having fun, though unfortunately the caption doesn’t mention which game she’s playing. Given that Pokemon wasn’t around in 1993, I’d put my money on Tetris. I just hope for her sake it wasn’t The Final Fantasy Legend, or else the “Hillary caught playing God-killing video game” headlines can’t be far off.

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