Clerks creator Kevin Smith is reportedly working on a new animated series centring on classic vigilante duo Green Hornet and Kato (opens in new tab).
Having begun life as a 1930s radio show, the hero was adapted to TV screens in 1966, with Bruce Lee famously playing Kato – his break-out Hollywood role. Now though, following the forgettable 2011 reboot starring Seth Rogan, Smith looks to bring the Hornet back and refreshed for a new audience, Deadline (opens in new tab) reports.
The director will be revving up the Black Beauty once more and working on an animated series with WildBrain, a production company known for such properties as Peanuts and the Teletubbies – so don’t be expecting anything more than a PG hero. His version is set to take place in present-day and star a new Green Hornet and Kato that are the son and daughter of the original characters.
“It’s an honour to escort the legendary Green Hornet and Kato into their very own animated series for the first time in the rich history of these iconic pop culture characters,” Smith said of the announcement. “We’ll be telling a tale of two Hornets – past and future – that spans generations and draws inspiration from a lifetime spent watching classic cartoons and amazing animation like Batman: The Animated Series, Heavy Metal, and Super Friends.
I can’t believe WildBrain gave me this job and I can’t thank them enough for the opportunity to extend my childhood a little longer.”
Having originally written a big-screen Green Hornet adaptation – before his script was instead turned into a comic book series – there’s no doubt that Smith knows the characters well. The director will certainly bring a palpable excitement and love for the genre to young audiences.
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