I’m not over Scooter’s death, I’m just going to say it. If you feel the same way then don’t feel so blue, as the yee-hawin’ Catch-a-Ride creator has one final appearance in the new Borderlands 2 (opens in new tab) DLC, Commander Lilith and the Fight for Sanctuary. If you want to have his role in the DLC left as a surprise, stop reading right now. Otherwise, scroll on past this picture of the mechanic.
So, in the DLC you’ll have a bunch of side missions to do once you make the Backburner, a HQ for all the NPCs Lilith saved from Sanctuary, safe to live in. One of them makes you the executor of Scooter’s last will and testament, meaning you have to do various things like collecting his nudie magazines and passing over ownership of the Catch-a-Ride to his sister, Ellie.
Right at the end there’s a heart-warming callback to one of the first missions you ever did for Scooter way back in the first Borderlands. At his request you had to jump over Piss Wash Hurdle in a Runner, and in the DLC you do a “SICK-ASS JUMP” over another canyon while a billboard memorial of Scooter flashes into life in the background. It might even bring a tear to your eye, and I definitely felt a lump in my throat.
If that’s got you in the mood for more information about the Borderlands 2 DLC, here’s our piece on the Borderlands 2 DLC Commander Lilith and the Fight for Sanctuary ending (opens in new tab) and everything it tells us about Borderlands 3 (opens in new tab). Below is our Borderlands 3 preview, so give it a watch if you can’t wait to be a Vault Hunter again!