It’s hard not to have some emotional response to Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Among a big crop of trailers debuting at last weekend’s Video Game Awards, this revamped spin-off to the blockbuster series got people talking, which you may have noticed this week (opens in new tab). We also got the skinny direct from Konami, both in written (opens in new tab) and video (opens in new tab) formats. Around the offices, we’ve all got opinions ranging from “it might be the most coherent Metal Gear story to date” to “I hope it’s not too much like Vanquish.”
Our intrepid video leader Takeshi Hiraoka spliced together footage from both the extended trailer (opens in new tab) and the massive documentary that Konami released yesterday—quite the opposite of Raiden—and remixed it all. Both myself and Henry Gilbert ran through the remixed footage in all of its three-minute glory. Among the sights you can expect to see include:
· Footblades!
· Raiden wall-running!
· A longer shot of that last scene from the trailer!
· A throwaway MGS2 reference!
Be sure to watch, won’t you?