Game of Thrones season 7 (opens in new tab) has been leakier than a ship during the Battle of Blackwater Bay and, as the rumoured release date nears ever closer (opens in new tab), there’s been a glimpse of concept art believed to be taken from the season finale featuring plenty of well-known faces in an ominous location. It should go without saying that there are potential spoilers. Seriously. BIG spoilers.
The concept art (helpfully labelled “Game of Thrones VII. Dragonpit Entrance”) was first seen on Reddit (opens in new tab)and reported by Watchers on the Wall (opens in new tab) and is a mashup of stills taken from the show itself and an artist’s depiction of the Dragonpit. The Dragonpit was used, before falling into disrepair, as a place to keep those pesky dragons under a watchful eye in King’s Landing.
The concept art shows Bronn and Tyrion reunited outside the ruins of the Dragonpit with a figure that looks suspiciously like Jon Snow (who has briefly met Tyrion in season 1 and has never met Bronn) facing them as the Dragonpit entrance in the background stands (un)invitingly open.
There have been whispers that the Mother of Dragons, the Breaker of Chains yada yada yada (Dany for short) will also make an appearance at the Dragonpit which surely means things are about to get fiery in Westeros. Let’s hope the season doesn’t drag on (ahem) to make the wait for this moment even more excruciating than it already is – because it’s going to be goooood.
Game of Thrones season 7 debuts this summer on HBO in the US and Sky Atlantic in the UK.
Image: HBO