The Alan Partridge Movie has debuted an official still online, ahead of the launch of the first official trailer (due at noon on 15 March 2013).
We’ll also receive word on the official title at the same time. All we know right now? It won’t be called The Alan Partridge Movie … Feel free to drop your suggestions in the comments box below.
The first image doesn’t tell us a great deal about the film’s plot. Scratch that, it doesn’t tell us ANYTHING about the film’s plot. But it is essentially Alan-y, and brimming with nice details.
There’s the quizzically perturbed expression. The North Norfolk Digital mug. The calendar from Partridge’s more rotund days. Following the insanely funny autobiography released in 2011, we’ve got high hopes for this one.
Check out the image in full below:
(opens in new tab)
[ Click on the link to see it in hi-res ] Stay tuned for our coverage of the first trailer.
The Alan Partridge Movie is set to open on 16 August 2013.