Fallout: New Vegas Old World Blues DLC looks painful in new screenshots

Above: Muggy, a plucky securitron with a penchant for coffee cups

Old World Blues moves the action into the Big Empty, where players will explore pre-War research centers for secrets to their past, and ancient technology which could either blow old enemies to smithereens, or be a vital tool in a much greater conflict. The expansion will raise the level cap by 5, add a new trait, allow players to keep their equipment, and at one point give thema chance to tinker with their appearance. Similar to previous add-ons, companions won’t be invited to traverse the new locations. Too bad, really, but here’s hoping Muggy is as good with a gun as he is at making coffee (or so we assume).

Old World Blues will be out for XBLA, PC and PSN on July 19th for 800 Microsoft Pointsand US$9.99, respectively.

Jul 5, 2011

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