Do you belong in the Scooby Gang? Stake out our ultimate Buffy the Vampire Slayer quiz

Could I be a vampire slayer? It’s the sort of question only a show like Buffy could ever inspire us to ask ourselves, and it’s probably on your mind once again now that the much beloved TV series turns 21 this Saturday. 

While we’ve all thought about joining the Scooby Gang at one point or another, it’s not exactly an open membership affiliation; you need to know your Demons from your Drokkens and much more if you have any hopes of staying alive with a group that constantly finds itself on the wrong end of a vampire’s rage. 

Our quiz has been crafted in the forges of Hellmouth to precisely determine the depth of your vampire slaying expertise, so go ahead and click that big ‘Start’ button below to find out if you have what it takes to join Buffy and the gang. 

Read more: The 25 best Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes (opens in new tab)

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