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Deus Ex Human Revolution Directors Cut goes multiplatform

Square Enix has revealed plans to release Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut on Xbox 360, PS3, PC and Mac. Prior to the announcement, the upcoming special edition was a Wii U exclusive featuring various improvements over the original August 2011 release.

Eidos Montréal general manager Stéphane D’Astous said: “After our Director’s Cut announcement we received an overwhelming response from the community asking us to bring this ultimate edition of Human Revolution to other platforms. We’re thrilled to accommodate that request. We can now say with pleasure, ‘You asked for this!'”

Square Enix announced the game in March, when it said that it’ll offer “overhauled boss fights, refined game balance and combat, improved AI, and striking visual improvements which make this edition the best looking and most immersive Deus Ex experience available”.

It will also include the entire Missing Link DLC chapter and former pre-order bonus mission Tongs’s Rescue, “a full slate of Wii U GamePad features including touch-screen hacking, interactive map editing, augmented sniping, grenade throwbacks and many other neural hub enhancements”, plus Miiverse integration. Square Enix has confirmed that Director’s Cut’s touchscreen features developed for the Wii U version will translate to SmartGlass and Vita.

About Fox

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